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Funko Fusion Is Fully Revealed & Ready For A Bloody Good Time

Funko Fusion Is Fully Revealed & Ready For A Bloody Good Time

Funko Fusion

The recently teased Funko video game is now officially revealed with Funko Fusion launching later this year

It has been almost a year since we had it teased with Funko jumping into the video gaming space. It was a weird thing that happened during SDCC last year and 10:10 Games was rather quiet on that front ever since. Which led a few to think it was canned. Well, it was not and we have the official announcement that Funko Fusion is in the works and coming on September 13th of this year for the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC. Along with this announcement, as always, comes a new video and this time it shows off just what we are going to be experiencing in this game and it might not be what many were thinking.

As you will be able to see below for Funko Fusion, this is an action-style game in the same vein as many of the LEGO titles. We will take on the roles of our favorite characters in the POP! form and go to their iconic worlds to play out some of the scenes, only in a much darker way than the other franchise. In fact, some of what we are going to experience in Funko Fusion is going to be closer to what would be expected in the various IPs pulled in for this title with all of the blood and violence. All so we can bring down a multiversal “big bad” doing what those characters do best. Have a look and get excited to see what this one is going to bring to our consoles and PCs.

Funko Fusion — Reveal

Experience a festival of fandom like never before in Funko Fusion!

Play through iconic worlds and mash up characters inspired by some of your favorite franchises in an action-adventure game with uniquely authentic, irreverent humor from the creative minds of 10:10 Games.

Coming to PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch on September 13, 2024.

Like I said, Funko Fusion is not the game I was expecting when it was first announced but it is a game that I am certain I am going to play. I always enjoyed the LEGO games, but they always felt more for kids than anything. This one turns up the mature nature quite a bit and it is only emphasized more with the cute nature of the figurines. Not to mention that Funko Fusion is getting access to all manner of other IPs for us to jump into in the game so they can throw even more at the wall to have stick. Where else will we be able to see things like Back To The Future cross with Chucky, NOPE!, and Hot Fuzz while still giving us a cohesive video game?

Where do you stand on the massive Funko crossover we are getting in this title? Do you think it will be just as engaging as the LEGO titles or will it be more of a game for those who are already in the POP! cult out there? Will the characters in the game be more than just costumes to wear or will that be the extent of it all? Head into the comment section to discuss all of that and everything else we have out there. We will have more for Funko Fusion down the line, so keep on checking in for all of those updates and the many others we are able to get out to during all of this time.

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