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Fury Flames Out In The Latest Footage For Darksiders III

Fury Flames Out In The Latest Footage For Darksiders III

Darksiders III

A new video for Darksiders III is here to show us how Fury gets her flame from in the usual Darksiders manner

We have seen a bit of Fury’s Flame Form in the past for Darksiders III, but now it seems like it is time to spoil how she earns it in the game and it plays out much like you think. That is most likely why Gunfire Games was okay with sharing it as it lets us see how much more of a badass Fury will be in the game and also keep us engaged with THQ Nordic until November 27th when it launches. You know, because we would forget about Darksiders III before then and move on to the many other games out there for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Not the case, but it gives us more to look at so I will take it for now.

As you would expect, in normal Darksiders manner, Fury gains this form through a trial by some other creature that is supposed to be more powerful than the other all-powerful creatures in the world. A trial by combat that leads into why combat should not always be used. That would not make for a good video game so I am guessing that this lesson will be something we just need to carry with us. It does come from a power that can destroy angels and demons, in usual Darksiders manner as well, and it looks like it is not something core to Fury in general. It also kind of alludes to there being other elemental forms out there that we may get to see in the game.

That all said, the new video here is a cut scene from Darksiders III and not just generic gameplay. I say this so you can skip along down the virtual road if you do not want to have any part of the story spoiled for you. It houses only a few moments of actual gameplay that is skipped in the respect for time. Take that as you will and do not say you were not warned before you dive right in.

Darksiders III — See Fury Get Her Flame Fury Form

This cutscene from Darksiders III shows how Fury gets her Flame Fury form.

Did you figure this would be how Fury received this form in Darksiders III or were you thinking of something else to power it? Do you think that we will see other elemental forms as the game presses on or will it only be this Flame Form all through the game? Do you think the lesson will come up again in a cut scene or will we actually get to choose not to fight at some point and have that be the answer? Let us know what you think down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more Darksiders III as we head toward the release date, be sure to stick close to the site here. We will keep that information flowing as best we can.

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