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Gamedec Will Be Releasing To The World This September

Gamedec Will Be Releasing To The World This September

@GamedecTheGame @AnsharStudios

Gamedec has a release date set now with a fun cinematic showing off the various areas to explore in Gamedec

Here we go adding another title to the launch lines, as Gamedec now has a release date set and ready for us to look to for our PC games. It feels like it was not too long ago that Anshar Studios dropped the title on us and then watched as it was funded. Now we get to see where the final build of it all will be and on September 16th. That is now the official release date for Gamedec that we can mark down and get ready to go into this new kind of cyberspace with. Sure, it is a bit of a ways off still, but that only makes things a little more exciting to look forward to here.

As is the usual case, we have a new trailer to go along with this announcement for Gamedec. This one being more of a cinematic to show off the various cyber worlds we will have to investigate and explore to get to the bottom of things. There is no clue on if these will be anywhere near official for it all, but it does give a fun fly-over in the game to enjoy. Have a look down below and see what is going on and then wait until we have new gameplay for Gamedec in some manner or that date in September finally rolls on up.

Gamedec — Cinematic Release Date

Gamedec launches on PC on September 16th this year! Watch the CGI trailer, download the demo, and dive into this unique, cyberpunk world of the future.

Bringing the essence of paper role-playing back to a modern take on the genre, Gamedec will take gamers on an exciting journey through its realism and diverse virtual worlds on PC this September. Start the trip with a CGI trailer, and then jump right into the universe in the newly released free demo.

Did you expect to see Gamedec launch so soon or did you think there was a bit more time before this? Do you think that these will be the official areas in the game we will have to go to or is it all fluff to get us excited? What else do you need to see for the game to get you completely on board with it all? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Gamedec, know we will have it all here. Keep checking back on the site for all of that and everything else that may be out there to enjoy.

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