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Get Your Dying Light Zombie Statue On Your Own Terms

Get Your Dying Light Zombie Statue On Your Own Terms

Dying Light

Dying Light is letting fans download an official 3D printable figurine of one of the many zombies that plague the ill-fated city of Harran

If you have a 3D printer, or access to one, then you too can have a piece of Dying Light zombie fun. This is in the way of being able to have your very own, I’m sure to be soon claimed sexist, zombie statue right out of Harran. You don’t have to gawk at it on the PS4, Xbox One, or PC no longer as Techland and Warner Bros. has given us the 3D model all ready for printing and painting as we see fit. Nothing can go wrong there right? You know, because we are all responsible and adult about everything.

Have a look at how cool your 3D printed Dying Light zombie could look. Of course this is all based on you having access to an amazing 3D printer and the amazing painting skills you are about to see in the following video.

Dying Light — Paint Your Zombie

In a perfect world we would all be able to create such an amazing statue for Dying Light. Sadly I know we all are not that skilled but hopefully we all have friends we could talk into doing the work for us. If you do or want to give this little project a whirl you can download the Dying Light 3D zombie file to print here. If you don’t have a 3D printer available I am sure you can find a company online who can print it for you. Then all you’ll need is some model paint, skill, and free time from not playing Dying Light.

I am looking around myself to get in on the Dying Light zombie painting fun. Hopefully I can find a printer that isn’t going to charge an arm and a leg. If you choose to take the plunge as well show off your work in the comments below. Or give us less skilled painters some tips and tricks so we all can add an awesome looking figurine to our Dying Light collection.

Dying Light

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