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Get To Know More About Fetch In August With inFAMOUS: First Light

Get To Know More About Fetch In August With inFAMOUS: First Light

inFAMOUS: First Light

inFAMOUS: First Light, The Stand Alone Prequel To inFAMOUS: Second Son, Has A Release Date This Coming August

It was announced during the Sony Press Conference and it looks like we will not be waiting too long for inFAMOUS: First Light. That would be the prequel to inFAMOUS: Second Son where we will take control of Fetch as she sets out to take down Curdun Cay. For those non-inFAMOUS fans Curdun Cay would be the detention facility for everyone that has super powers and Fetch would be one of the secondary characters in inFAMOUS: Second Son. That should get everyone up to speed.

Not only up to speed here but for when inFAMOUS: First Light hits PS4s on August 26th as it will be 100% standalone outside of taking place in the same universe. Yes there will be cool little “Easter Eggs” I am sure and I’ve also heard of a bonus for those who have inFAMOUS: Second Son but you only need know the game’s lore to get the full experience from this neon queen. So you don’t have to rush out if you haven’t played already.

inFAMOUS: First Light

inFAMOUS: First Light

I, as I am sure as are many, am insanely excited for inFAMOUS: First Light. Fetch was my second favorite character of Second Son and I would love to get to know more. I hope that it is a bit longer than the Left Behind DLC for The Last Of Us but if it isn’t at least I’ll get to see what makes Fetch tick. As well as try to bring down Curdun Cay even though I know how that is going to pan out already given this is a prequel. The excitement is not lowered due to that at all.

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