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Get Muscled Up With A Helping Of Spike-D In Mouse

Get Muscled Up With A Helping Of Spike-D In Mouse


A little more gameplay for Mouse has dropped with a look at a new mechanic on the way to us for Mouse

I hope you like eating your spinach out there or at least ready to take heaps of it in Mouse, as that looks like it is going to be a mechanic in the game. Given that Fumi Games is leaning into some of the older and classic cartoon tropes that are just outside of the fair-use window, it feels about right. More so as we see that whole getting stronger in Mouse is going to be based around the myth of spinach making us stronger in the real world. Although, this PC game does look like they are adding in a bit more to the mix than just those nutrients that most never find all that appetizing.

There is not much to go on, so some of this is assuming, but it looks as if in Mouse, we will have access to special cans of spinach named Spike-D. Something that when we pick up and use will give our little mouse character more strength and the ability to punch foes extra hard. Using the whole idea that was made popular with shows like Popeye and to get kids to eat the gross food. Something that also looks like it is going to carry over in a joke with the character’s mother forcing it down his throat before getting all ripped and putting the beatdown out there. Have a look and have a tingle of that old-timey fun by seeing what is coming to this table.

Mouse — Spike-D

Nothing says you more than a can of healthy spinach!

The latest gameplay teaser for Mouse is here — featuring a first look at the game’s Grappling Hook, Helicopter, and PowerUp Spinach in action!

Coming 2025.

I am rather enjoying all of the things that we are seeing Mouse do with the art and now other aspects from the era it is highlighting. Sure, this video did highlight a grappling hook and other elements, but it is the fun nods to what they are riffing on that is the bigger selling point for me in this game. Again, getting right up to that line where there is no legal recourse they will need to worry about, but we all know what they are doing. All to give us a fun shooter and platforming kind of game with Mouse. If only we did not have to wait until 2025 to get full hands-on with it all. But they can take their time and make sure we are given the best version of the game ever.

Where do fall in the fun of Mouse and what it is bringing to the table for us? Do you like the other classic things getting brought up or will that get played out after a few more items are dropped in? How do you think the grappling hook and the other elements will keep things feeling fresh or will that also fall prey to the issues other titles have had? Take to the comment section to discuss all of this and everything else we have to offer up out there. More for Mouse is coming, so please keep on checking back in for all of that and everything else we have to offer up to the world.

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