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Get Ready To Cheer For Another Upcoming Untitled Futuristic Sports Game

Get Ready To Cheer For Another Upcoming Untitled Futuristic Sports Game

The future of sports is on the way with Starlight Games teasing a new and untitled futuristic sports game

It is time to get teased and get some speculation flowing with how sports are going to be changed with a new title on the way. A new title on the way from Starlight Games that has been announced and offers up very little to us all. But we are here and we are going to look at what we have. They are claiming it will be the future of sports, and I do not think it is all about the eSports kind of thing here. Especially when we get to see that it looks like some kind of football or rugby kind of thing. That is based on the look of the characters we are going to have after being teased here.

The following teaser does not show much of the sports going on but three different colored characters. All wearing what looks to be full body armor and representing different teams. Something that looks like a few other future sports games we have seen in various mediums out there, but still its own. Even if they do look like the base character models that load into Unreal Engine 5 when development starts. This is a teaser of something yet to come, so this could all be a placeholder and the development team was forced to put something out to start some kind of hype. Have a look and see what could or could not be the next big thing down the line.

Untitled Futuristic Sports Game — Teaser

Welcome to the future of sports… Stay tuned, over the coming months, Starlight Games will announce an exciting new game developed in Unreal Engine 5, which is being directed by WipEout co-creator Nick Burcombe.

What kind of game will this be and will it be just a twist on one of the many sports we already have out here? Will this just be another basic game but leaning into the future of eSports instead? Why are we always teasing a teaser out there for everything now? Give us those thoughts and answers down in the comment section and let that discussion start to flow out there. We are going to keep open eyes on how this sports title is going and will try to update you as soon as we can. Please keep on checking in on the site and our channels to get all of those details and everything else that is yet to come.

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