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Get Ready To Die As RAGE 2 Is Officially Announced

Get Ready To Die As RAGE 2 Is Officially Announced


RAGE 2 has been officially announced after many ‘leaks’ and teases for RAGE 2 started to pop up all over the internet with more to come really soon

It looks like all of those ‘leaks’ and teases that we saw out there for RAGE 2 over the past week have turned out to be more than wishful thinking for some. It also turns out to be more than a fun bit of marketing that Bethesda has had with it as it turns out that the game is officially in the works and coming to us. I know some of you out there were not happy with the first RAGE title, but we are getting this sequel and it also looks like Avalanche Studios will be taking over to make the game bigger and better. It has worked for other titles in the past and it does seem that they all have their heads on right for it all.

Now that it has been announced, what can we expect from RAGE 2 right now? Currently, not much as all we have is the following teaser trailer for the game that houses very little gameplay mixed in to a lot of live action footage that hopefully shows off what we could expect. If it is it looks like RAGE 2 will be an adrenalin-fueled Mad Max romp with all the color of a hippy festival. That is at least the hot take I have as of right now. That will most likely change tomorrow (5/15) when we get some real gameplay footage and a better look at what the game will bring. We just get to sit pretty knowing it is going to be a thing now.

RAGE 2 — Announce Trailer

The world of RAGE 2 comes to life with our new announce trailer!

The official gameplay reveal for RAGE 2 will release right here tomorrow, May 15. Stay tuned for more information about the return of the wild world of RAGE.

While I am excited to see what we will have for RAGE 2, it is interesting to note that this all came about from a Walmart pre-order page up in Canada that mentioned it in a list of many other titles. Many other titles that were part of the Bethesda house as well as many other developers and publishers. This is interesting as it kind of confirms the long list of other titles on that list with RAGE 2 are not just wishful thinking but something we should expect to see go live out of E3. Titles like another solid entry to the Elder Scrolls line and Borderlands franchise. It looks like they just do not give a crap about keeping things secret for all of the others who had their titles teased.

What do you think about RAGE 2 getting the full announcement here and do you think Avalanche Studios is a proper fit for the title? Do you agree that it looks like a new colorful take on Mad Max or is that all promotional stuff for now? Did you enjoy the first title or would this be the first time you are stepping into the franchise’s world? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. We know there is going to be more for RAGE 2 really soon and we will have it and more as it comes. Just be sure to keep checking back in on the site here to keep up to date on all things video games.

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