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Get To Know Some Of The Cast Of The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

Get To Know Some Of The Cast Of The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

A new behind the scenes feature for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope is out there to introduce us to Will Poulter’s character in Little Hope

Here we go with a new behind the scenes video series for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope to keep the hype rolling for the October 3oth release date we are holding out for. This one some from Supermassive Games and the lead actor we have seen many times over with Will Poulter. He is not the only lead character for Little Hope but he is the more recognizable of the cast we have here. Just like the last title in The Dark Pictures line we have had so far. Not that any of them are not doing the best job acting, but those who need big names and faces will see it there.

There is a little more of the gameplay to take in for Little Hope in the mix here, but not that much if that is what you want. It is a nice look at how some of the other cast members will flow here. That and the fact that one of the other cast members happens to be Will’s favorite character in the mix. Even if the cast will be playing multiple roles in Little Hope as we jump through time in the story. I am curious if it will factor more into the Witch Trials in that aspect or if it will only be to keep the characters linked more than anything.

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope — Will Poulter Interview Part 2

“There’s a genuine sense of dread and horror” Go behind the spine-chilling scenes of #LittleHope with Will Poulter in Part 1 of our interview.

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope — Will Poulter Interview Part 1

The video delves into some of the exciting and horrific aspects players will get to experience when they dive into the frightening story of The Dark Pictures: Little Hope. Will also shares some insight into the characters and how the cast brought them to life.

Are you ready to finally just dive into Little Hope or will it be your Halloween experience while locked in your homes? Do you think it is odd that they are not featuring more of the lesser named actors here or is it about right for the marketing for the game? Do you think the characters will be time traveling at points or will it just be a way to reduce actors but fill out more characters? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for The Dark Pictures: Little Hope, we will share it all on the site for you. Be sure to keep coming back for all of that.

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