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Get Your Art Heist On With The Latest Gameplay For PAYDAY 3

Get Your Art Heist On With The Latest Gameplay For PAYDAY 3


Stealth gameplay is here for PAYDAY 3 with a look at how it will play out in this upcoming PAYDAY title

The gameplay keeps flowing out there for PAYDAY 3 with the latest showing off how the stealth will work in the game. Not that the game is usually known for going all-in on the stealth, from my experience, but it is something that Starbreeze Studios is working on for the game. This is why we are looking at it now before playing it all live on September 21st on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. It would be a little odd to hop into the PAYDAY 3 lobby and not know we would be going about things in this way. So here we go with a first look at it all as it currently stands.

Just as we have seen in many other titles like PAYDAY here, it looks like there will be a lot of crouth running and hurt knees out there for the character avatars. Even though we are supposed to be sneaky and break into the Surphaze Art Gallery here, things are just as fast-paced as all of the other heists we have to pull off in the game’s long run. There are going to be the usual gadgets we need to use to pull this off too while dodging lasers, but I am sure it is going to turn loud really quickly by the end of the match. That has always been my experience in the PAYDAY games, and this does not make it seem like it will go any other way unless all involved are open to doing a pure stealth run.

PAYDAY 3 — Stealth Gameplay

Take a tour of the Surphaze Art Gallery location, and see stealth gameplay in this latest trailer for the only co-op multiplayer shooter game PAYDAY 3.

PAYDAY 3 will be available on Steam, the Epic Games Store, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5 on September 21, 2023.

Do you think that the stealth will be needed in PAYDAY 3 or is it just a way to show off how things could play out in the game? Why do they always make it look like we have to run in a crouched mode to be sneaky in these games? Do you think you could ever get a whole match to go off in full stealth or will it always turn loud by the end of it all? Sneak into the comments below and discuss all of your thoughts on this there. We will share what we can for PAYDAY 3 as we head toward the launch date. Please keep checking back in for all of that and everything else we can share with you out there.

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