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Ghost Of Tsushima Goes A Bit Deeper Into Its History

Ghost Of Tsushima Goes A Bit Deeper Into Its History

Ghost Of Tsushima

A new Japanese trailer for Ghost Of Tsushima gives us a few more looks at Ghost Of Tsushima all in a fun historical grain you might be waiting for

We may only have about one more week until the release of Ghost Of Tsushima on the PS4, but that does not mean we are not done seeing new things for it. Sure, too much could spoil the events of the game and what Sucker Punch is going for here, but it is always nice to see something. The fun thing for all of those that do not speak Japanese, we have a new video to look at for Ghost Of Tsushima that hints at a lot more of the story. All done up in that nice film grain style we have come to expect in the historical documents we normally get to see. You can read that as we have a new Japanese story trailer to look at for the game too.

As you can see below, it looks like there is going to be a whole lot of drama mixed into Ghost Of Tsushima here with some amazing ways that the cutscenes will transition. In some instances, it is hard to see when a scene is ending and when bit of gameplay is kicking off. All of which is something that we have not been able to see so well before now. Either way, it has me further excited for Ghost Of Tsushima to finally land so I can see it all first hand. Have a look now to get a better sense of what I am talking about and just what we can be experiencing next week.

Ghost Of Tsushima — Historical Movie

Releasing on July 17, 2020, open-world historical drama action-adventure Ghost Of Tsushima is open for pre-order! Tsushima was immediately in a predicament before the Mongolian army attacked Japan with overwhelming force. Sakai Jin, the survivor of the samurai, challenges the Mongolian army to protect the land and residents of his hometown. However, due to the battle with a mighty enemy, Jin became a warrior “Kurudo” who had left the path of the samurai and revived from underworld.

Did this do the job in exciting you for Ghost Of Tsushima or are you still on the fence for some reason? Do you like the look and feel of the trailer and will we be able to play the whole game with the grain turned on? Do you think we will see more of the real-world history mixed in and distorted for this title or will it all be fantasy? Let us and the world know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more to share for Ghost Of Tsushima, you know it will be on the site here for you. Just be sure to keep checking in for all of that and more.

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