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Ghostwire: Tokyo Is Going To Take Full Advantage Of The PS5

Ghostwire: Tokyo Is Going To Take Full Advantage Of The PS5

Ghostwire: Tokyo

New details for Ghostwire: Tokyo are here to show off a bit on how Ghostwire will use the features that the PS5 offers up

With Ghostwire: Tokyo hitting the PS5 on March 25th, it should come as no surprise that the game is going to try to take full advantage of the hardware and features that it has. Not just in the visual and performance arenas, but we are talking in the extra levels of immersion that Tango Gameworks can offer up with the controller as well. It may not seem like much, but this can add some extra levels into a game if it is done correctly. Now we have a look at how some of them will play out in Ghostwire: Tokyo, even if it will most likely handle a bit different once it is in our own hands.

Just as one would have guessed, Ghostwire: Tokyo will be using the haptic feedback and other controls on the DualSense to give us a bit of a different feedback to it all. It is hard to say how the rumble and the triggers will function based on this video, but if we have played any titles like it, my guess is that there will be some extra tension when needed and less when not. Also a bit of a directional bit when it comes to it all too. It also looks like Ghostwire will have some things talking to us through the speaker on the controller too, which is not overly new to gaming, but a nice touch if it builds in the game in some way other than we hear the voice outside of the norm.

Ghostwire: Tokyo — PS5 Immersion

Tango Gameworks’ latest action-adventure Ghostwire: Tokyo employs the unique capabilities of PlayStation 5 systems to bring you an immersive experience of a beautifully haunted Tokyo. See how these features enhance your ghost hunting expedition like never before.

Hyped for March 25th? Don’t forget to prepare for your adventures by preordering Ghostwire: Tokyo today!

Do you enjoy it when games add things like this in or will it generally be lost on you when in the heat of things? What extra things do you think Ghostwire will have in there that the videos have yet to let us all know? Do you think we will have to use the motion controls of the controller to do anything or has that gone the way of the Dodo out there? Let the world know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish. More for Ghostwire: Tokyo should be on the way to us, and we will share it all here when it does. Please keep checking back for all of that and more.

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