1945 👀

Ghostwire: Tokyo Is Officially Creeping Out There This March

Ghostwire: Tokyo Is Officially Creeping Out There This March

Ghostwire: Tokyo

The release date for Ghostwire: Tokyo is now set down and we can look at some of the gameplay for Ghostwire: Tokyo

It is time to get a massive surprise for those looking forward to the release of Ghostwire: Tokyo on the PS5 and PC. The wait will be coming to a close soon and well within the 2022 timeline that was given. Seemingly out of nowhere, Tango Gameworks has dropped the release date on us and Bethesda is getting those preorder packs ready. All so we can enjoy Ghostwire: Tokyo on March 25th now. One does have to love when releases come at you hard and fast like this one. Something that feels very akin to the new gameplay that we also have to show off to you all.

Now that we have the release date for Ghostwire: Tokyo, we can start to look at the gameplay and how some of these things will function out there. There will be a whole lot going on in this action-horror game. We will be running around and grappling around the game’s world while trying to take down or sneak past the supernatural horrors that are flooding the streets of the world. Most of them will stick to the mists in Ghostwire, but I have a feeling as we are clearing out the world, we will have to venture into them with the various weapons and skills we have. All of which range from the basic weapons to some other supernatural ones to fight back.

While doing all of this in Ghostwire: Tokyo, we will need to consume or combine with various other spirits that are floating around after the mass purge that occurred in Tokyo too. This is how we will be getting our XP in the game to unlock everything along the way. It seems a bit dark to look at it that way, but it is presented as such in the following deep dive. Given that we also need to have some reason to open things up further to get the world back to normal, it is a small sacrifice needed. Have a look at it all below, and then get ready to preorder Ghostwire: Tokyo to pick up a few extra cosmetics too.

Ghostwire: Tokyo — Gameplay Deep Dive

Face the unknown in Ghostwire: Tokyo, launching March 25, 2022 on PlayStation 5 — preorder today for bonus content

In an instant, nearly all of Tokyo’s population vanishes, and paranormal Visitors from another world take their place in the streets. As Akito, one of the city’s last living humans, you must join forces with a spirit named KK to put an end to the supernatural threat encroaching on Tokyo.

Ready to team up with an unlikely ally to take back the city? Pre-Order Ghostwire: Tokyo today to receive the Hannya outfit and adventure in style! PlayStation 5 preorders will also receive the Biker outfit.

Preorder digitally to play early with the Ghostwire: Tokyo Deluxe Edition on PS5

The Ghostwire: Tokyo Deluxe Edition includes the following bonus content:

  • Shinobi Outfit
  • Kunai Weapon
  • Streetwear Fashion Pack

Preorder the digital Deluxe Edition on the PlayStation Store to get a head start on your spirit-hunting adventure with three days of early access!

Ghostwire: Tokyo — Deluxe Edition

Did you expect to see Ghostwire: Tokyo launching this fast in 2022 or did you think it would have been later? Do you like the fast gameplay we are getting here and will it blend well with all of the other supernatural horrors out there? Is it odd to you that we will be draining the souls out there to boost our skills or will it be better explained in the story of the game? Tell us all what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. As more for Ghostwire: Tokyo creeps out there, we will share it all here. Just be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and everything else we have.

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