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Go On The Hunt For Some Of The Big Monsters In Outriders

Go On The Hunt For Some Of The Big Monsters In Outriders


New gameplay for Outriders is here to give us a bit more on how the Co-Op will function and some of the bosses in Outriders

We have had a good showing for a few of the classes and a bit of the world for Outriders and now it is time to take in some of that co-op action we will be experiencing here. That and how we will be hunting down specific monsters in the game’s world with the aid of all of our friends. All so we can look flashy and show off all of the big features that People Can Fly are putting together here. It would be odd to keep all of this hidden until the launch of Outriders, but it could have been an option they went with. thankfully, it is not and we are about to all get treated to a bit more to see for the game well before it launches out there.

All of this is about to come for IGN and their big showing for Outriders this month here. We get to see those classes we have heard about already team up to take on Bigjaw, Moldfang, and the Oreyard Queen in all of this gameplay. Also, we get to see a bit more on how the teams and characters can synergize in the world to use all of the abilities to their best effect. It can seem a little chaotic at times here, but it does give us a solid look at how Outriders could be flowing out to us when it does. It also seems to remind me of a few other titles out there that did the same thing but with a few different reasons. It is not like it is something new to the video game world to go on hunts for monsters and all.

Outriders — 11 Minutes Of Monster Hunt Co-op Gameplay

Our IGN First for August is Outriders and we’re kicking the month off with some monster hunting. We take on Bigjaw, Moldfang, and the Oreyard Queen in this co-op gameplay.

Does this new footage for Outriders get you as excited as it should have or did it feel like something we have seen before? Would you like to see more of the team synergy in the gameplay or does that even matter to you as you head into the game? Are you looking for more than just monster hunting in this game and do you think this will only be a small portion of it all? Let us and the world out there know what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all below. If we can find more for Outriders, you know we will post it all here. Just be sure to keep checking in for all of that and much, much more.

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