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God Of Rock — Tophat Spotlight

God Of Rock — Tophat Spotlight

God Of Rock

Check out the new trailer for God Of Rock that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure

God Of Rock is a rhythm-based fighting title for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC coming from Modus Games in April 18th, 2023.



God Of Rock — Tophat Spotlight

Introducing Tophat! A Granny’s boy and Samba master, this elusive fighter will hustle his way around any opponent’s tricks. With Tophat’s sticky fingers and tricky dance moves you will swipe that victory right out from under the opponent’s nose.

God Of Rock pushes players to their limit, forcing them to fight in tune to a song decided by the characters and stage selected. Keep up with the jams or you won’t last in this duel amongst the most excellent musicians in the universe. Are you ready for a musical battle that will resonate through the ages?

God Of Rock opens its world tour on April 18, 2023, unleashing a stacked setlist of energetic tracks that players will need to master to perform devastating combos in musical matches against other fighters.

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