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God Of War Has Some New Concept Art To Lead Us Off To The Battle

God Of War Has Some New Concept Art To Lead Us Off To The Battle

God Of War

New concept art for God Of War has been released to show off some new looks for Kratos, Atreus, Enemies, and the world of God Of War


More God Of War concept art is released

If you are like me at all then you are desperately hoping to see or hear anything new for the upcoming God Of War title. There is still no solid release date outside of 2018 for the game and Santa Monica Studio has yet to full update us on all of the changes we can expect in the game in terms of gameplay. We can make a lot of assumptions based on all of the trailers and videos we have already seen for God Of War but it is always nice to have something a bit more concrete. It is not like we are asking too much, but maybe we will get something a bit more solid soon.

Of course, you did not come here to just read about me complaining for the lack of anything new for God Of War though. You are here to see what else there could be for the game and today we have a new set of concept art to dig through and try to figure out little bits of the game. If you were watching the official social media accounts for the game, its developers, or its publisher then you may have seen the little “puzzle” they put out there that was solved rather quickly. Due to that, we were all treated to the following bits of concept art for God Of War that looks to show off a bit more of Kratos, Atreus, some enemies, and the game’s world.

To be completely honest, none of this truly shows off much for God Of War that we did not already know or have seen before. It actually looks a lot more like some concept from Game Of Throne with Kratos and child thrown in. While that would be an amazing end to the show and story there, I think that Santa Monica Studio has better plans for the game. It does look like we will have hordes of lesser “dead” types of enemies we will have to take on, but it also looks like there could be an epic fight with an Ice Giant at some point. That is unless I am over-blowing something in the background for one of these images.

It would not be too surprising to see an epic battle like that in God Of War given the franchise and it does look like the massive temples will be back as well. Even with the team stating that they are trying a few new things for this title, it looks like we will have enough of the old God Of War here to sate our needs. At least enough for me now that we have moved on to those Norse gods and mythology. Although I do wonder how the Greek side of things will play back in as we do know Kratos is holding on to a lot of that still and technically still has some of those gods existing inside him still.

What are your thoughts on these new bits of concept art for God Of War that we have been gifted? Do you see an Ice Giant in there as well or is that too much wishful thinking on my end? Do you think that we are going to keep getting the massive boss or mini-boss fights that we know the franchise for or will they change things up to bring us back to a grounded state as Kratos is trying to do? Let us know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on God Of War in any form keep checking into the site. It should go without saying that we will keep covering everything for it and you do not want to miss out.

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