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God Of War: Ragnarök Places Some More Blood Upon The Snow

God Of War: Ragnarök Places Some More Blood Upon The Snow

God Of War: Ragnarök

To help celebrate the release of God Of War: Ragnarök, we have a new behind-the-scenes look at one of the God Of War tracks

Today is the day and God Of War: Ragnarök is out there on the PS4 and PS5 for us all to enjoy and bring this chapter to a close. I am sure that many out there have already jumped in to help Kratos and Atreus in their mission, but for those that are still waiting for whatever reason, we have one more behind-the-scenes look from Santa Monica Studio to help pass that time. Mostly for those that might be waiting for God Of War: Ragnarök to finally download to their systems. That and want to hear a bit more of the music and score that was crafted for the game to bring us all a bit further into the mix of things.

Those that are still holding on for God Of War: Ragnarök, we have a new track from Bear McCreary and Hozier written for the game. This one is less of a score and more of a single to enjoy that links into the setting of the game more than anything. The title is “Blood Upon The Snow,” which is insanely fitting for a God Of War title in general. Let alone this one where it is even more fitting. Here is a look at the track and how it was made. All so you can get better hyped up for the full game in your home. If you are not already eyes deep in the game and slicing your way through it all.

God Of War: Ragnarök — Blood Upon The Snow

God Of War: Ragnarök – Blood Upon The Snow (McCreary feat. Hozier)

Composed by Bear McCreary

Have you been able to dig into God Of War: Ragnarök yet or are you still waiting on it for one reason or another? Do you like getting tracks like this or do games like this only need to have instrumentals instead? Will we have more tracks like this in the game or will this be the only one to stand out in the mix of it all? Let the world know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish to. More for God Of War: Ragnarök should be out there soon, so please keep checking in for all of that and everything else we have to share along the way to the end of things.

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