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God Of War: Ragnarök Will Give Us One More Way To Play The Game Again

God Of War: Ragnarök Will Give Us One More Way To Play The Game Again

God Of War: Ragnarök

New game+ is on the way to God Of War: Ragnarök so we can watch the end of realms in God Of War once again

Those looking to have more of God Of War: Ragnarök in their lives will be able to answer that craving this coming Spring. A feature that has been requested to Santa Monica Studio by so many up to now will be flowing out there. Given that we have the new Photo Mode in God Of War: Ragnarök, this new mode is the next big one we have wanted. We will be seeing a New Game+ in the mix on the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game. All so we can experience the game once more, in a different way, and with all of the latest Photo Mode options, some might not have had when they wanted in the story of the game. I know there were a few parts early on that I wanted to take a snap of.

The fine details on what this will bring into God Of War: Ragnarök have yet to be revealed out there and will be on the way soon. If I had to guess, it will be closer to what we had in the last title too. Obviously, it will be a way to replay the game and carry over all of our character progress too. Hopefully, it will give us a whole new skew and line of upgrades that will make Kratos and crew even stronger and offer up new challenges again. It would be the God Of War way, but we could also have some other surprises in the mix too. It would be a reason why the team has held off on giving any details as of yet beyond the fact that it is coming to us soon.

Was it always a matter of time before we saw God Of War: Ragnarök get the New Game+ mode or did you think it was going to skip this one? Will it be more of the basic versions we have had before or will it be something more than we had with the last title too? Could this lead to an easier experience for us all or could it also give us a bigger challenge by raising the difficulty of the enemies too? Join the discussion below and feel free to comment. As soon as we have an update on this and what it will bring to God Of War: Ragnarök, we will share it all here. Please keep a close eye on the site for all of that and everything else we have to offer up to you all.

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