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God Of War’s Difficulty May Not Be For All Of Us

God Of War’s Difficulty May Not Be For All Of Us

God Of War

The difficulty settings for God Of War are back and we get to see how they will add an extra level of challenge to God Of War when we play

Long-time fans of God Of War always have loved challenging themselves and other on playing the game at some insane difficulties. They are offered up by the dev team for a reason and they are there to make the whole experience a bit more challenging. Staying true to form, Santa Monica Studio is keeping with this element in the new God Of War and now we know how hard the game could be to beat. At least what to expect when you come to the four different options when loading up the game on the PS4. Not the most groundbreaking of information here, but we only have a little over a week until it launches so the updates are going to be a bit sparse or shallow.

As could be expected, God Of War will have a mode that lets you focus more on the story and less on the mechanics of the game. Another mode that will balance the two and also be the recommended option to get a well-rounded experience. Then we have a harder mode that will give the enemies a bit more of an edge that only veterans of the God Of War franchise will be able to handle. Then we have the final one that, like in all of the other titles, will make Kratos weaker, the enemies stronger, their placement a bit more chaotic, and new to it all the ability to NOT change difficulties along the way if you just give up. If you choose that one you are either stuck with it or need to restart the whole game again. Not too shocking, but there you have it.

In addition to the announcement of the difficulty modes in God Of War also comes a new Immersion Mode announcement that players will have a chance to play with. With this mode, you will be able to limit the HUD for the game and increase the immersion of your game. It does not make them completely go away as you can make the elements pop up for a short time before they fade away, but it will reduce down what is always on the screen. I am pretty sure that this was a thing in past God Of War titles only here we get to make the option to get fully immersed or to bring us out of it all by a little bit here and there. I know streamers will be happy about this a bit more.

Give Me A Challenge

  • Give Me A Story: lets you experience the story without too much of a difficult gameplay challenge. You won’t be taking a gondola to the top of the highest peaks in all the Norse Realms, but you will have a far greater margin for error in enemy encounters.
  • Give Me A Balanced Experience: is the mode we’d recommend most players start with. The name says it all. We’ve tuned it to deliver a balanced, challenging playthrough.
  • Give Me A Challenge: is harder and less forgiving. It is recommended for players who find action games extremely intuitive, and for confident long-time God Of War series veterans who’ve beat past games on harder difficulties.
  • Give Me God of War: is the sort of thing reserved for people who wrestle polar bears in their undies. Maybe not quite that, but it’s the most difficult mode in the game. We haven’t just made you weaker or enemies stronger; we’ve looked at enemy behaviors and placements in encounters as well, tweaking everything to make it as threatening as possible. Best of all, you cannot change difficulties once you start a game on this mode, so if you suddenly realize you’re in way over your head, you’ll have to start a new game. Don’t be sorry, be better?

Immersion Mode — Just The Necessary HUD elements

We’ve included what we’re calling Immersion Mode. This will cut things down to just the minimal absolute necessary HUD elements. There’s no right or wrong way to play; you’ll certainly have a lot of helpful info close at hand if you’re playing with the HUD fully enabled. But for those fans who are sensitive to the HUD, or perhaps for folks who want to stream or capture and would prefer as little UI as possible, there you go. To enable Immersive UI, it’s as easy as going to the Settings menu, clicking HUD and switching HUD Mode to Immersive. Yes, that means you can toggle it on and off while you play!

In addition to this, we’ve added an extra mode that allows you to customize which of these HUD elements you want ON, OFF or enabled via the touchpad which brings up that element for a short duration. This will enable players to truly customize their experience by adjusting visibility to HUD elements like enemy health bars, compass and enemy off-screen indicators.

Are you truly shocked by any of the difficulty ratings we are going to have in God Of War or is it all par for the course? Do you think that we will be able to turn off and keep off all HUD items in the game or will we always need some to see where we are at with things? Which mode will you be playing on in the game or will you give each of them a try over time? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on God Of War, keep checking in on the site. We will keep all that we can find flowing out there to you. All you need to do is keep clicking back.

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