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No Going Back Now As Episode 5 Of The Walking Dead Is Coming Next Week

No Going Back Now As Episode 5 Of The Walking Dead Is Coming Next Week

The Walking Dead

The release dates and trailer for The Walking Dead from Telltale has been released and it is looking more grim than ever

This has to be one of the shortest turn around for a new episode for this season of The Walking Dead from Telltale. I’m not going to complain at all as it is high time that we get to see how this whole thing will end and hopefully what to speculate on for the previously announced Season Three. We have been able to watch Clementine grow both in age and in character so it should be interesting to see how all of that pans out as we move into the season’s end of The Walking Dead.

Before you hop into the trailer, this is your first spoiler alert; here are release dates for this final episode of The Walking Dead season two.

  • 8/26 – PC/Mac, PlayStation 3 & PS Vita North America
  • 8/27 – Xbox 360,PlayStation 3 & PS Vita Europe
  • 8/28 – iOS

Now here we go with your second spoiler alert. If you are not completely caught up with The Walking Dead at all and care not to be spoiled then you may want to skip the following trailer. It pretty much sums up the whole story up until now with all of the surprises and shocks we have experienced thus far. I’m talking season one and two here. Unfortunately for those who are mostly caught up, or at least played season one already, there is a nice bit of extra footage that shows Clementine before the whole zombie outbreak. That really isn’t story spoiling but it is near the middle end of the whole trailer here. So you can try to skip to the 3:43 mark to see just that but there is a bit more after; so be warned.

I’ll let you have a watch now and consider this your third and last spoiler alert for all of The Walking Dead goodness here. I’m excited a bit to see how it all ends but I have a feeling that it won’t be how I want it to end or how I want to see the story progress. I’m the minority here but I want to move on from Clementine and maybe another character that hasn’t been focused on in all of the comics, games, and shows. I mean, Clementine is just a female Carl when all is said and done. Just with a better ‘dad’.

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