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Group Therapy Is On The Way Here For Superliminal

Group Therapy Is On The Way Here For Superliminal


A new update is coming for Superliminal that will bring us all a bit of multiplayer mixed into Superliminal for us all

The fun of Superliminal is coming right back for us all to enjoy and get our forced-perspective on. This time with a new update that Pillow Castle Games will be dropping out there with a multiplayer aspect to the game. Yes, this solo-puzzle game will be giving us a multiplayer on the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on November 5th. Therefore, it might be time to spin up Superliminal to get ready to take on all of your friends out there and also those strangers too. That is how this all goes and we know that it will be open to having so many tolls in the mix of it all too.

It could be hard to figure out for Superliminal to have a multiplayer, but it does look like it will be a Battle Royale of sorts with all of the basic gameplay we know. We will just have matches of twelve players all trying to make it to the end of some randomly generated levels. We will need to move things and shift the world as needed to make sure we are going to be able to make it to the end before all of the other chess pieces out there. That is how we will be represented in Superliminal for all of this. All while getting the chance to mix things up and customize our pieces with various things out there.

Superliminal — Group Therapy — Free Multiplayer Update

After a wildly successful launch on Steam last year, developer Pillow Castle Games is excited to mark the one-year release anniversary of their forced-perspective puzzle game, Superliminal! To celebrate this milestone, they will be adding an all-new multiplayer mode for free on November 5th that will allow players to feel the joy and frustration of puzzle-solving with friends in a series of frantic obstacle courses. The experimental “battle royale” mode will be available through the holiday season.

Superliminal is a first-person puzzle game that uses perception as a mechanic. You play as someone who wakes up in a surprisingly lucid dream. As you complete puzzles to get to the next exit, certain patterns and truths become more apparent. In this game, everything is exactly what it seems to be! Wait, no… that’s not right. Everything is the opposite of what you think it is? That’s not correct either. This is a game about breaking expectations and thinking outside the box. What you see is what you get. Literally.

Experimental “Battle Royale” Mode

This seasonal update offers a fun—and frankly surreal—spin on the forced perspective puzzle game players have come to know and love. This totally normal, not-strange-at-all “battle royale” mode will pit up to 12 players against each other through a series of randomly generated rooms full of surreal obstacles in a race to the end, under the watchful eye of the Standard Orientation Protocol. Just look for the exit signs… and watch out for the ducks!

Have you had a chance to enjoy Superliminal before now or will you need to give it a shot before this update? Does it make sense to have a multiplayer in a game like this or will it be too weird for you? How do you think they will handle troll players out there with how the basic controls will go? Let us have all of that feedback down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you so wish. We will keep the news and updates flowing for Superliminal and everything else, so please keep coming back to keep as up-to-date as you can.

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