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Gwent: The Witcher Card Game Is Shaking Up Player Progression A Bit Again

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game Is Shaking Up Player Progression A Bit Again

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

A new player progression system is coming to Gwent: The Witcher Card Game with the next patch update and it aims to mix up the Gwent leveling system in a good way

If you are already playing in the Gwent: The Witcher Card Game beta then get ready to see things get changed up a bit yet again. Of course this is something we should always be ready for when in a beta and especially here as CD Projekt RED is looking to give us the best version of this little game that they can and are not married to many of the gameplay designs yet. This is a good thing before you get on a high horse about your Gwent never staying the same. As with all of their titles they are not looking to just make money but to give us all an amazing experience to enjoy and want to come back to. Not just something to sink endless amounts of cash into just to pay-to-win. Those kinds of games are just horrible.

Anyways, as it looks, the player progression system is going through a bit of a redesign again here for Gwent and in a few different ways. It will now take two crown halves to equal a full win. So it will be six total wins to jump through the reward tiers here and this is something that they are stating will allow us to progress much faster in our daily progression instead of how it is now; or was before. This is going to be music to some ears and a kick to the gut for others but you can’t please everyone. If it makes for a better gameplay experience in whole though I can see it being the right move for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game in the long run. I guess we’ll see.

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game — Player Progression Redesigned

The update introduces some of the biggest features since the start of the Closed Beta: ranked matches, redesigned player progression, and over a few dozens of new cards, including animated premium versions of cards. A detailed list of changes can be found in the full change-log, available here.

There also is going to be a changeup coming to the basic leveling system for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game as well. It’s better defined in the video above but it too will most likely lead to a lot of upset gamers and some who are excited to see how it all flows. The biggest thing I can see is that CD Projekt RED will be resetting player levels if they have progressed over ten. Not all the way down to one again but just down to ten so they can work from their again and still be able to play in Ranked matches. But now that the level cap is at 100 something was needed to balance everyone out again and also make it a longer haul to get there instead of hammering through in just one day. Apparently that was a thing already and not anymore.

What do you think about the new systems coming into play here for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game? Do you think it will balance the gameplay better and give us all a better game or did you like being able to “game” the system to get the results that you wanted? Do you think that we will see another overhaul to the player progression system or does this sound like a solid ending place for them to focus on other areas in the gameplay? Let us know and feel free to discuss down in the comments. For more on Gwent and its beta, be sure to stick right here. We’ll keep the news and updates coming and you won’t want to be left out.

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