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Halloween May Be All Filled With Call Of Cthulhu After All

Halloween May Be All Filled With Call Of Cthulhu After All

Call Of Cthulhu

The release date for Call Of Cthulhu has been refined down further as it looks like we could be playing Call Of Cthulhu by Halloween this year

After kind of “leaking” before, it looks like we may have a solid release date for Call Of Cthulhu now as it has shown up on the Steam page for the game. While not official word from Focus Home Interactive or Cyanide Studios, it does look to be about on par with what we have been told and figured it would be for a while now. It was just Autumn 2018 before. Now it looks like Call Of Cthulhu will be hitting the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on October 30th of this year. At least if the date that is on the Steam page is correct and there are no other delays for the game. It seems doubtful, but until we hear an official word we can keep it in the semi-rumor state of things here.

As of this writing the date was still showing up on the Call Of Cthulhu page, but you can see it just below in case someone over there caught the flub and fixed it all. I doubt that will happen as it makes for the perfect time for the game to come out and keep us all on the verge of insanity deep in the Autumn months. At least if you are aiming to play Call Of Cthulhu for the horror side of things and not just the investigation side of it all. As if you would upset the elder gods by going down that path instead. Do not do it if you did think of doing that though.

Call Of Cthulhu — Release Date

Call Of Cthulhu — Release Date

Did you also figure this would be the release date for Call Of Cthulhu or will it be scrubbed and moved to a different date after this? Given the source, do you think it is safe to assume this is the official date or was it someone’s screw up with a fitting placeholder? If not, when do you think that we will finally see the full game in our homes? Let us all know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Call Of Cthulhu in any shape or form, be sure to stick around here on the site. We will keep all of the updates coming and you will want to see them all.

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