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Have A Bit More Of Star Wars Battlefront’s Battle Of Jakku

Have A Bit More Of Star Wars Battlefront’s Battle Of Jakku

Star Wars Battlefront

A new trailer for Star Wars Battlefront’s Battle Of Jakku DLC has been released to entice us more to pre-order Star Wars Battlefront

Just in case you needed another reason to give Star Wars Battlefront another look, not like it is a huge game or anything, we have a nice little look at what DICE has in the waits for those who pre-order the game on the PS4, Xbox One, or PC before November 17th. This would be the Battle Of Jakku DLC that EA has been throwing our way for a while now. This would also be the Star Wars Battlefront DLC that will be free for all on December 8th but those who enjoy the following video and pre-order the game will be getting it on December 1st instead of the other date.

For those who don’t know what the Battle Of Jakku is here for Star Wars Battlefront let me educate slightly. This would be the battle that takes place about 29 years before what we will all see in The Force Awakens and will also explain what happened to the planet. Pretty much a nice little precursor to the whole Star Wars experience that we will be having this holiday season. Why wouldn’t you want to have access to this DLC a week earlier to have all the lore?

As mentioned, here’s a nice new look at the Star Wars Battlefront Battle Of Jakku DLC. DICE hasn’t shown us more than what we are about to see for this DLC yet but it is a nice little bonus that a lot of us were not expecting. Now get ready and pre-order Star Wars Battlefront if you want to have the fullest experience and story you can get.

Star Wars Battlefront — Battle Of Jakku

Are you excited for Star Wars Battlefront and/or the Battle Of Jakku DLC here? Have you already pre-ordered the game and are now just enjoying the first look? Do you think DICE will have more DLC like as we press forward with Star Wars Battlefront? Discuss and talk about it all down in the comments below. If EA has more for us to look at for Star Wars Battlefront between now and then we will have it all right here for you so be sure to keep checking back in.

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