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Have A Look At A Whole Lot More Gameplay For God Of War

Have A Look At A Whole Lot More Gameplay For God Of War

God Of War

Early previews of God Of War have come and gone and now we have a whole lot of new gameplay to look at for God Of War

The time has come and many other major outlets have been invited to have a look at God Of War before anyone else. It is how the world is at this point and Santa Monica Studio wants to get some good press out there for the game before it hits the PS4 on April 20th. It is easy to understand and do not fault them for it. What that means for all of us is that we will have some new gameplay for God Of War to look at as well as some updates on how the combat and other items that have been changed for the game. I am not just talking the new weapon either here but the actual combat.

We have seen the basics of the combat and how it will flow in God Of War here, the axe changeup and all that, but as it looks we will be using the R1 and R2 buttons for combat instead of the usual control scheme we are used to for the franchise. It sounds like a weird option to go with, but as the other outlets have reported it “feels right.” For veterans of the franchise, like myself, there are options to bring the controls back to the basics in some way. It just seems odd to have them be the light and heavy attack options and not tied to the throwing of the Leviathan in God Of War. You know, the usual ranged options we have in games.

I am also not sure how I feel about the extra open-world elements we now have in God Of War that we get to see here. I have no issue with it having a bit more “openness” to explore and move around. I am just not digging the minor collectibles and how we pick up health here. It feels like something that is not needed in a God Of War title. I can see how it links into the weapon progression system that has always been in the franchise, it just is one of those deviations that I feel will be embraced by fans or outright hated by all. Only time will tell if Santa Monica Studio made the right call with the changeup.

All of that griping aside, I am totally digging that it looks like we can stun enemies for an epic kill at any time in God Of War. That was the feeling I had after watching the following gameplay as it was either Atreus shooting them and stunning them or Kratos using some of the many ways he could. There were just other options to use to end them based on their current health and not just an instant kill all the time. Maybe after some major upgrades during play of God Of War could we get to that point, but it is not seen here. It is still amazing to see all of the fun ways that we can end all of the horrors we have to face on the journey we have to take.

God Of War — 15 Minutes Of Gameplay

It’s time to finally take a look at some extended gameplay from God Of War, arriving on PS4 and PS4 Pro on April 20th. Watch our impressions from multiple hours of hands-on time, including detailed explanations of the combat and progression systems, the design of the Norse realm, and much more. Stay tuned for more God Of War coverage up until the launch on April 20th

What do you think of God Of War based on all of the new gameplay and details we have here for the game? Do you like the change to the combat we are going to have or will you try to go with the classic scheme when you go to play the game? Do you like seeing that they have made more puzzles not based on pushing crates around or were you hoping for more of that based on past experiences? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As we see more for God Of War out there, or if we are offered it directly, we will have it all here. Just keep coming back for our take on it or just to see the new stuff in general.

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