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Have A Look At The Opening For The Shadow Of The Colossus Remake

Have A Look At The Opening For The Shadow Of The Colossus Remake

Shadow Of The Colossus Remake

The first fifteen minutes of Shadow Of The Colossus Remake has surfaced and it gives us all a good look at what may have changed for Shadow Of The Colossus and stayed the same

I hope you are ready to relive the first fifteen minutes of Shadow Of The Colossus here as we have just that for the upcoming remake heading to the PS4 on February 6th. If you never played the game the first few times it came around, then you may want to let this skip on by as it may spoil a bit for you. You will just have to live without seeing just how Bluepoint Games has upgraded the game since it first launched and where it is now. It is quite a spectacle to see so you may want to take that extra little step and spoil just a bit of Shadow Of The Colossus to see what we have here for the remake. I will not tell anyone you cheated and took a small peek…

Anyways, what we have here is the first fifteen minutes of Shadow Of The Colossus all in 4K and running with all of those new textures and models we have heard about before now. This is a remake and not another version of the HD remaster we saw back on the PS3 after all. We gamers demand more and that is what we have. Take a look at marvel at just how far this game has come over the years and then wonder why we have yet to get a Shadow Of The Colossus 2 of any sorts. We would like that in some way now would we not? Sure we would.

Shadow Of The Colossus Remake — The First 15 Minutes

Rebuilt from the ground up by Bluepoint Games and JAPAN Studio, Shadow Of The Colossus returns with brand new breathtaking visuals.

For those hardcore fans of Shadow Of The Colossus who have a keen eye, you may have seen a few things not line up to how you remember them. Sure, it is a remake here and the team did try to keep as close to the original as possible, but there needed to be a few things changed to make it a true remake. Thankfully, someone has gone out there and done another side-by-side view of the first fifteen minutes of Shadow Of The Colossus so we can see just what has changed since the PS3 HD remaster and now. The changes, outside of visuals, are not many, but it does look like the opening sequence has been shifted a bit and made to give a “grander” feel of the world. They needed to make us feel that small fish in a big pond kind of thing right out of the gate here, I guess, as the rest of Shadow Of The Colossus would not do it. That is at least what I can imagine the need as of right now.

Shadow Of The Colossus Remake — PS4 Vs HD PS3

Are you overly excited to see how Shadow Of The Colossus has changed here for the remake or are you just ready to give it a try now? Do you like the changes that we can see here in the video or do you think that the team should have used the same angles and shots just with the better visuals mixed in? What else do you think was altered along the way to give that larger scale theme of the game or will they all be as minor as what we see here? Let us all know down in the comments and then discuss. We will keep bringing you more on Shadow Of The Colossus and its remake, so be sure to keep checking back in on the site. You will not want to miss a thing.

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