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Have A Look At What Sparked Chernobylite Into Creation

Have A Look At What Sparked Chernobylite Into Creation


A new look at why Chernobylite is in the works is here along with a new Kickstarter bonus for those willing to give Chernobylite a chance

The Chernobylite Kickstarter is almost to a close with about forty-eight hours left to go at the time of the original posting of this. If you are worried that the campaign will fail, then you can still throw your support over at The Farm 51 or just sit back and know that it has already been funded almost twice over. More or less, at this point you will just be supporting the team, pushing for more rewards, and securing your copy of Chernobylite well before it is complete. Treat this as a reminder to do so. Also, treat it in the way of being notified of a new little extra for those backers out there and a little showing of how the game came into existence.

For those who may not be in the know, Chernobylite came out of the team’s want to rebuild the Chernobyl location in a VR setting so others could safely look at the lands. You may or may not remember the Chernobyl VR Project from a while back, but this is what I am speaking of. After getting that all up and running is when the idea for Chernobylite sparked into their minds and gave way to the team using that information to give us this horror title in the near future. If you were left out of the loop, then you can throw down some of that cash at this project and you will score a Steam Key for the VR Project that spawned it all. Kind of like a double whammy when you boil it all down.

Chernobylite — The Backstory

Prepare yourself for a dark and ominous experience as you wander around the contaminated Chernobylite area, because this title will not only come into being, it will also include a bigger area available for exploration, new languages, a weapon crafting system, and real Chernobyl Exclusion Zone sounds!

Thanks to the loyal support of the Kickstarter community, Chernobylite won’t just be visually realistic — the game world will also be much larger than previously assumed. In addition, the game’s realism will be enriched by audio recorded in the very locations in which the game is set: Chernobyl and Pripyat! The game will also be translated into even more languages, so that more people can truly enjoy Chernobylite and experience the game in their native languages. Gameplay will also be enhanced with the addition of a weapons crafting system.

The creators decided to give away free Steam keys of their previous documentary Chernobyl VR Project as the extra prize to anybody who supported or will support the campaign with pledge higher than 15 USD. So far Chernobyl VR Project was available only on virtual reality devices, but for Kickstarter backers there will be some special version placed on Steam that won’t require using VR headsets.

Have you already backed Chernobylite or will you know that you know it has already been funded and it will just secure your game and extras? Did you know where the idea for the game came from or is this all news to you? Are you excited to be able to see this irradiated location from the comforts of VR or will you just be waiting for the game to come out? Let us and the world know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. If there is more for Chernobylite, you know we will have it here. Just be sure to keep checking back in to see and hear it all.

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