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Have Ifrit Take On The Mighty Abzu In Final Fantasy VII Remake

Have Ifrit Take On The Mighty Abzu In Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake

New Final Fantasy VII Remake gameplay is here to show off a bit more of the new summons in Final Fantasy VII Remake and a different boss fight

It looks like there was more gameplay for Final Fantasy VII Remake out of TGS that we had not seen as of yet. That or that we have not seen in a solid place and just spliced in to other scenes and videos that Square Enix has placed out there for us. It is how all of this goes, but it does give us a chance to come back and have a look at more for the game before it hits the PS4 on March 3rd out here. It is not like an of those Final Fantasy fans out there are going to scoff at getting more to look at for the game and I am one of those people too.

While the bigger news that is being pointed at for Final Fantasy VII Remake today is that we are getting the same box art for the game that we did so long ago, just with the updated visuals, this seems to be the bigger bit. More as we get to see Ifrit more in action and it looks like more of the Classic Combat mode we heard about. It could also just be extended views of the tactical mode we already know was in Final Fantasy VII Remake too. Either way, we get to watch as Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith take on Abzu in a massive new fight for the game. That is definitely more of what I am excited for here.

Final Fantasy VII Remake — Abzu Battle Gameplay

Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith battle a gargantuan sewer beast in the depths below Midgar. Watch as they unleash spectacular abilities and get your first look at the summon creature, Ifrit!

This battle with Abzu premiered at Tokyo Game Show 2019. Final Fantasy VII Remake is available to pre-order on the PlayStation Store now!

How pumped are you for all of this new footage we have for Final Fantasy VII Remake today? Did it look like this was the Classic Mode we heard about before or is it just a better-detailed version of the Tactical Mode from before? Does the box art even matter to you or is that the big news given how it has just been updated with the new character models and art from the game? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss away. Obviously, we are going to keep covering Final Fantasy VII Remake and as we find more, we will share it here. Just be sure to keep checking back in for all of that and more.

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