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Have Yet Another Friday The 13th: The Game Gameplay Tease To View

Have Yet Another Friday The 13th: The Game Gameplay Tease To View

Friday The 13th: The Game

Another bit of gameplay for Friday The 13th: The Game has been placed online and it shows off a very short but first real look at Friday The 13th in action

If there has been one thing truly lacking in the mix for Friday The 13th: The Game it has been solid gameplay for where the game is in its current state. We’ve had a whole lot of nice little updates for the game out of Gun Media but no solid gameplay; just some test footage. Now it looks like they are ready to pull back the curtain and give all of us Friday The 13th fans something to view and get us amped for. Yes, we have some actually gameplay to look at now for the game.

Don’t get too excited though as even though this has been released from Gun Media directly it does look to be a cellphone recording of some off-screen gameplay footage. Not only that but it is only about thirteen seconds of anything. So again not that much for Friday The 13th: The Game but at least it is something new to see how the game’s world is going to be structured. If I had to make assumptions here I would say this is all from the POV of a counselor hiding under a bed while Jason bashes in the door.

You have most likely spent more time reading here than you will actually get in the following clip but since it is listed as a tease it could be safe to assume that we will get a nice long cut of gameplay for Friday The 13th sometime soon. At least that would be the hope as many backers of the game, myself included, are clamoring to see something for what we’ve paid for so far. Hopefully that won’t be too far off from now. We’ll just have to wait and see…

Friday The 13th: The Game — Gameplay Teaser

Did you enjoy your little Friday The 13th tease here? Does it look like things are shaping up or was it too short for any real analysis? When do you think that we will get to see some truly solid gameplay for Friday The 13th: The Game? Before E3? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. For more on this game and many others, be sure to stay right here as we will bring you all the updates that we can.

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