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If You Haven’t Had A Chance To See/Play P.T. Here’s What It Is About

If You Haven’t Had A Chance To See/Play P.T. Here’s What It Is About


During Sony’s press event at Gamescom 2014 a new IP called P.T. was announced but it was more a tease for Silent Hills

Talk about a thrilling and scary title here with P.T. from 7780s Studio. Or as we should all better know it now as Playable Teaser from Kojima Productions. Or as we should all know it even better as Silent Hills from said studio with Guillermo del Toro and Norman Reedus attached to it as well. Although at its core it is one of the best ways to announce a new title coming to the PS4 from all those great minds and talent.

If you have yet to play through the P.T. “demo” then I completely recommend it as it is a blast and will have you shitting your pants. This was an experiment from Hideo Kojima to announce that he is now using the FOX Engine to make the latest horror title in the Silent Hill franchise. Just a little free thing on the PSN right now to test his and the engine’s abilities and if he could build even something this small to scare and shock us all. Job well done.

Originally Kojima was looking to have this little Silent Hills announcement to take about a week to get to but it looks like we gamers had outsmarted or lucked out and found this little teaser. In fact, if you watch among the videos below you can get a feel for what P.T. is as well as watch as someone accidentally stumbles on the teaser in about an hour and twenty minutes. Personally I am still trying to find my way to the end and through all of the puzzles but I think that this Silent Hills announcement mini-game is set to be a random event for each user.

I sat and watched the full walk-through that led to the unveiling and I have encountered twice as much as this poor woman in my hunt for the Silent Hills teaser trailer. In fact I had a number of other events happen and am about two and a half hours sunk into this bad boy with little to show except a house full of people who are not sleeping well now. I’m really hoping this was all planned and not some weird programming anomaly that I and other have fallen into.

If this is what we have to look forward to for Silent Hills and the FOX Engine then I am completely ready for it. Not only was this a brilliant piece of marketing to get everyone clamoring for the new IP but it shows how well the FOX Engine will be bringing us the scares. Especially since it was also let loose that this little Playable Teaser was a down-scaled version of the engine to try and fool us into thinking that it was some smaller ‘indie’ developer working on a new IP.

Here are bits of my play through, the full play through from start to finish, and the Silent Hills announcement trailer. Don’t feel spoiled as it really feels like there are no connections to the way things are played. In fact I get ‘killed’ twice during my play and at completely different times, locations, and unknown reasons. Time to get frightful…

Clip #1

Clip #1

Silent Hills Reveal Trailer

First full play though of P.T.