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Head Down To Your Watery Grave This Summer With Man Of Medan

Head Down To Your Watery Grave This Summer With Man Of Medan

Man Of Medan

The release window for Man Of Medan is set down for this Summer and we have a new look at the dangerous waters of Man Of Medan

It looks like more horror is on its way this Summer as it looks like Man Of Medan has been given that new window for release. That could mean so much as it is a fairly open window, but it is what Supermassive Games has placed down there now. All of which comes from the latest developer diary for Man Of Medan where they also go into the waters and boats used in the game and how they captured it all. Spoiler alert, they used real boats and water wake to do it all then stripped it apart to mix in properly. Not too shocking, but interesting to see here for the game.

We also get to see how they made the water levels and locations in Man Of Medan where they use a procedural engine to generate it all. This will make the water feel a bit more realistic based on the things we do in the game. Even if it is a bit odd to think about the top level of the water as we have been mainly focused on the underwater elements of Man Of Medan up to now. This could mean we have some top-level adventures and horrors to go through during this episode. That or they are getting ready for future episodes in the franchise they are building here.

The Dark Pictures – Man Of Medan — Dev Diary #2 Pt. 1

The ocean is a pivotal location in The Dark Pictures – Man Of Medan and in this Dev Diary we dive into the development of the watery grave.

Are you at all shocked to see how they are crafting the waters of Man Of Medan or is it new to you? Do you suspect we will be topside for large bits of the game or will it only be a few times with more focus under the surface? When in the Summer do you think we will see the game launch and will it be closer to the end given the seasons? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. For more on Man Of Medan, be sure to keep checking in here. We will keep it all flowing out to you as best we can. Pun intended.

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