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Hear How The Music Will Be The Same & Different For Final Fantasy VII Remake

Hear How The Music Will Be The Same & Different For Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake

The next behind-the-scenes video for Final Fantasy VII Remake is here to show us how the sound and music has evolved from the original Final Fantasy VII to now

I am going to venture that we have our last Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake video here with the game hitting the PS4 on April 10th this week, but here we go with the latest. One more little behind-the-scenes look at how Square Enix is moving forward with this title yet giving us all the right levels of nostalgia mixed right in. The way a remake should be done. More so given how huge Final Fantasy VII is with all of the fans out there of the franchise. I am still waiting for a remake of FFVI but I have a feeling that is going to be a dream I will most likely never get to see. Unless the developers are reading this and care about a very small subset of their fans.

In any instance, here we have a new look at the music and sound design for Final Fantasy VII Remake and how many of the tracks will be updated and reused for the game. Some with a more modern twist to how they were crafted and others getting many different versions of the same song made so they can play to fit the dynamic range of the story as needed. Something that will be fed to us via the AI built for Final Fantasy VII Remake to better shift things as a DJ would and not like someone hitting the skip button at home. It is worth a good listen and watch to hear some of these classics just before launch. That and to see how the dynamic sound was captured for all of the other basic elements many of us take for granted when playing video games.

Final Fantasy VII Remake — Episode 4: Music & Sound Effects

Bringing together interviews with the game’s creators, artists, and developers, Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake gives an exclusive look at some of the secrets behind the creation of one of the most anticipated videogames of all time.

This fourth video in the series features a deep dive into the music in Final Fantasy VII Remake and features extended interviews with renowned developers including:

  • Yoshinori Kitase (Producer)
  • Keiji Kawamori (Music Supervisor)
  • Makoto Ise (Sound Director)
  • Mitsuto Suzuki (Composer)
  • Masashi Hamauzu (Composer)

Are you excited to hear all of this and relive a part of your Final Fantasy VII days? Do you suspect that we will get bored of the same songs over and over as we did in the past or will their new AI blow our minds and ears? Will you even notice the fine detail into things like metal scraping and bones crunching when in the mix of it all or will you only enjoy it passing? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. For more on Final Fantasy VII Remake, be sure to keep checking in here. We will keep it all coming to you as best as we possibly can.

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