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Hello Neighbor 2 Is Coming Over To The PlayStation Systems

Hello Neighbor 2 Is Coming Over To The PlayStation Systems

Hello Neighbor 2

Hello Neighbor fans can now expect to play Hello Neighbor 2 on the PlayStation along with the beta

Good news for all of you gamers out there that thought you might be missing out on Hello Neighbor 2 if all you have is a PS4 or a PS5. We have official word now that tinyBuild is gearing up to add both of those platforms to the list along with the Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC when the game fully drops out there. Well, not only when Hello Neighbor 2 fully drops out there, but also with the upcoming beta that is on the way. Now you will only have to wait until April 7th to get in on this creepy fun out there. This is great news for all, as this generally does not happen on the platform and could be paving the way for many other things too.

Those that are interested in giving Hello Neighbor 2 a go in this beta only need to do one thing to get in. You need to pre-order the game and then wait for the date to roll up on us. Then you will be able to dive into all of the mystery that it has to offer up and try to survive that pesky neighbor trying to hunt us down. Granted, there are many others trying to do the same thing in Hello Neighbor 2 beyond the core character, but that is something we will need to wait to fully see. Even if there is a little bit of a look at how our reporter will have so many different enemies to worry about while on the hunt in the game. Have a look at the following trailer and see it all as we wait a bit longer.

Hello Neighbor 2 — Coming To PlayStation

The Hello Neighbor 2 Beta is officially coming to PlayStation on April 7th, 2022.

Get exclusive Beta access with your pre-order on PS4 & PS5! 🗝️

Get your hands on the exclusive closed Beta for Hello Neighbor 2 with pre-orders starting April 7th, 2022!

Excited to get your hands on Hello Neighbor 2 for PlayStation?

Did you expect to see Hello Neighbor 2 head over to the PlayStation or did you think it was set with its platforms already? Do you think we will have a Switch version of the game down the line or will it stick to what we have here only? Do you think this beta will be more than a basic stress test or will it be to help iron out and build the AI that will be in play? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all as you wish. More for Hello Neighbor 2 will be coming, so be sure to keep an eye out for all of that and much more. I hope we do not have to wait until the beta drops for anything massive to hit us all.

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