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Hello Neighbor 3 Is On The Way To Keep The Horror Stealth IP Flowing

Hello Neighbor 3 Is On The Way To Keep The Horror Stealth IP Flowing

Hello Neighbor 3

A new Hello Neighbor title is on the way with the full announcement for Hello Neighbor 3 that is in the works out there

There are those out there who thought the Hello Neighbor run of games might be done or hit its natural climax, but it does look as if those humans were wrong. Not because we keep getting more and more stories in other forms that are not video games, but because we have the announcement of another one coming out of tinyBuild, ironically from the most recent season of the animation. Here we go with the full announcement and starting of the development for Hello Neighbor 3. A project that will carry us all further into the weird horror stealth IP that is also kind of a home invasion hero journey. So, it does look as if this IP will not be ending any time soon as some out there might have thought.

While it is nice to have the announcement that Hello Neighbor 3 is on the way, we do not have much more for that announcement other than that we will be heading back to Raven Brooks and going through similar motions of the IP again. This time with what is being claimed as the ultimate sandbox and filled with even more distinct personalities than we have seen in the Hello Neighbor lineup to now. A bold claim, but that is what this first announcement is going to give us and then show us how the whole thing started out in a different form and built its way up to what the developer is aiming for. So, now, you can kick back and have a look at how it all started and has grown with this announcement. Then wait a bit longer to actually see some of the footage of the game pan out when they drop the next big update for it all.

Hello Neighbor 3 — Announcement

tinyBuild announced Hello Neighbor 3, the new installment in the survival horror stealth Hello Neighbor franchise played by more than 40 million people across PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, VR, and mobile devices, will return to Raven Brooks.

Hello Neighbor 3 is in active development. Franchise creator Nikita Kolesnikov is hard at work leading a small team of developers to bring the game to life, following the development approach of the first game.

Embark on a cozy yet eerie adventure through the forgotten, half-abandoned town of Raven Brooks. Stick to the shadows in a full simulation for the ultimate sandbox experience where every decision is the right one, but each action can potentially unleash catastrophic consequences upon anyone and everyone.

Meet the locals, each with distinct personalities, circumstances, and desires, untangle long-forgotten memories, and discover complex solutions to overarching goals through Hello Neighbor 3’s systems-based exploration.

Were you one of those gamers who thought the Hello Neighbor IP had run its course or did you hold out hope it was going to build into another full title? Will this truly be the ultimate sandbox that they are going for or would that need a massive team and a lot of AI to truly build out? How do you think this new story is going to alter things we knew and did not know up to now? Sneak on into the comment section to drop those thoughts you have running around in your head for all of this. We are going to keep our eyes on Hello Neighbor 3 and bring all of the updates that we can for it, so please keep your eyes on the site so you do not miss out on a single thing until that all comes to light.

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