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Here Is A Better Look At The Dual Reality Of The Medium

Here Is A Better Look At The Dual Reality Of The Medium

The Medium

We have some new explanations on how The Medium’s dual reality system will work and The Medium offers up something yet to be seen

One of the big mechanics we have seen in past videos for The Medium has been the dual reality system that we will need to navigate. This is the one where the main character will be both in the physical and spiritual world with all of the issues that may cause. It looks like it can be an ever-present thing in there from Bloober Team with about two-thirds of the game existing in one of them for most of the game. That is why we have one more explanation video for The Medium that gives us another look at the game and just how it will work when December 10th rolls up and we can play the game on the Xbox Series X and PC. Not too long now.

As it looks, there will be various screens we will see in The Medium that splits the screen between the two worlds. Sometimes it will be a full-screen move and sometimes it will be a true split. There will also be points where it will be split with smaller and larger screens when there is more focus in one realm that will affect the other. That is, we will get the larger screen where we are moving about and a smaller screen to see what is being changed in the other. A nice little touch so we do not need to keep shifting back and forth to make sure things are progressing as expected in The Medium. Especially when we will need to navigate objects that may only be in one realm.

The Medium — How Our Dual Reality System Works

Are you curious how our Dual Reality system works? Do you wonder how you will play in both the real and the spirit world? Here is our short Premonition video — a quick guide explaining how you will experience both realities at the same time.

Discover a dark mystery only a medium can solve. Explore the real world and the spirit world at the same time. Use your psychic abilities to solve puzzles spanning both worlds, uncover deeply disturbing secrets, and survive encounters with The Maw — a monster born from an unspeakable tragedy.

Coming December 10th to PC, Xbox Series X & Series S. Available now for pre-order!

Does all of this go about how you were expecting for The Medium or was it an eye-opener for you here? Do you think we will get to actively shift all the time or will it be very specific points where we get to split the screen? Which realm will you be in most of the game or will it be something set down by the developer to keep things moving? Let us all know down in the comments what you are thinking and then feel free to discuss it all below. If we have more for The Medium, we will share it all here. Just be sure to keep checking in here for that and much more out there.

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