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Here We Go With My E3 2017 Wish List To See Out There

Here We Go With My E3 2017 Wish List To See Out There

With E3 2017 about to hit us, I figured it would be high time to get my E3 wish list out there in hopes to see a few titles during the event

The biggest gaming convention E3 is right around the corner and excitement is building towards the event. Starting June 13th E3 always brings the biggest announcements and surprises in the gaming industry. This is my wish list for the event of what I hope to see this year at E3, in no particular order.

The Last Of Us Part 2

Earlier this year Naughty Dog showed off a trailer of The Last Of Us Part II which showed off a bit of the story and how much time has passed since the first game. Ellie is now a few years older and has revenge on her mind. From the looks of Ellie, it looks like her infection has gotten worse since the first game.  At E3 I hope that Naughty Dog shows off some gameplay and some new features in the game. Hopefully we get some more details on the story and the release date of the game.

Chances — Very high — this is Naughty Dogs next big game given that they were not at E3 last year. This appearance is almost guaranteed by Sony’s powerhouse.

The Last Of Us Part II — PlayStation Experience 2016: Reveal Trailer

Destiny 2

Bungie’s next big action shooter was revealed last month during their reveal event. With Destiny 2 Bungie promised to improve the story with more cut-scenes and improve exciting features such as the patrol mode and the weapon and armor system. At E3 I hope that Bungie shows off some of the new patrol mode and some of the other new things that we will be doing in Destiny 2. Also Bungie should show off some more of the new crucible mode and new weapons and armor.

Chances — Guaranteed — Bungie’s appearance is as close to a sure thing as you can get. Destiny 2’s launch is only 3 short months away and they will be at E3 to build the already high hype around Destiny 2.

Destiny 2 — Official Gameplay Reveal Trailer

Borderlands 3

Not much is known about Borderlands 3. At this point the only thing that we know is that it exists and it’s in development. The only thing that has been released has been a tech demo of the engine that the game will be developed on. If Gearbox is at E3 I would like to see some gameplay or some story details. It has been quite a while since the last Borderlands so it may be time for Gearbox to revel the next game to the world.

Chances — Moderate — Gearbox has not talked much about their next Borderlands for some time now but maybe it will be at E3 as a surprise appearance. E3 will be the best time of any to show off their new game.

Borderlands — Tech Demo

Call Of Duty: WWII

Call Of Duty finally goes back to its World War II roots in the next entry in the long running Call Of Duty series. The return to the classic boots on the ground gameplay is a huge selling point as many people including me are sick of the futuristic setting of the last few games. We had a look at the game back in April when the reveal trailer came out. Though the trailer was mostly focused on the single player campaign, at E3 the multiplier will be playable. The things that I most want to see are the new War game mode, which is a narrative-based game mode. The mode puts the Allied forces against the Axis in different maps such as Omaha Beach which is where the Allied forces try to take the beach and the axis defend the beach. I also would like to see some of the weapons and the score-streaks included in the game.

Chances — Guaranteed — Call Of Duty: WWII has already been confirmed to be at E3 where the multiplayer will be playable to all attendees.

Call Of Duty: WWII — Reveal Trailer

A New Splinter Cell Game

The last Splinter Cell game, Splinter Cell Blacklist, came out in 2013 for last gen consoles. So it’s been quite some time since the last entry in the stealth action series. Ubisoft will be at E3 but what exactly will be at Ubisoft press conference are unknown aside from South Park, Assassin’s Creed, and Far Cry 5. The last entry in the Tom Clancy series was Ghost Recon Wildlands. So perhaps the next game announced would be a Splinter Cell game. It would be awesome to return to Splinter Cell with another entry.

Chances — Low — Given that Ubisoft haven’t mentioned this IP in the while doesn’t bode well for another entry. But it’s not completely off the table given its popularity it could be at E3 as a surprise since Ghost Recon has already been released.

E3 is fast approaching and the excitement is building we will have to wait and see if any of these things come to light, as there is sure to be plenty of surprises and reveals come E3 on June 13th.

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