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Here’s Some New High Level Combat & Magic For Final Fantasy XV

Here’s Some New High Level Combat & Magic For Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV

A new ‘trailer’ for Final Fantasy XV has surfaced and it is filled all kinds of combat and magic from Final Fantasy XV at its higher levels of play

Hopefully you had a chance to experience the combat and magic system for Final Fantasy XV during the most recent demo that was put out there. Square Enix went to a lot of trouble to make sure the world had a chance to give it a go after their last major update. That would also be when they confirmed that Final Fantasy XV was going to be hitting the Xbox One and PS4 on September 30th if that helps jog the memory. Just in case you needed more before E3 though it looks like we have a look at how all of that would play out at some of the higher levels in the game.

Before you get too excited and run off to the video below it is worth noting that this is full of gameplay that really doesn’t indicate a higher level for the characters but more or less other spells, weapons, and attacks that are on the way for us. That is unless you want to take the title of the video at face value and this is all new high level stuff for Final Fantasy XV. If anything it is all new to us and more to take in before the next big showing of the game.

Another word here…it is also mostly the same locations we have seen for Final Fantasy XV already as well. There is a cool over-sized throwing star kind of weapon being used in the footage by Noctis but I’m guessing it is a general upgrade for the character with a new model/skin for the weapon in hand. I guess we can’t complain as it is all mostly new so we’ll just take it from there.

Final Fantasy XV — High Level Combat And Magic Trailer

Did you see anything that indicated a higher level for the characters here in Final Fantasy XV? Did you have the pleasure of giving the demo a whirl already and most of this looks just the same? Are you just ready for the game to finally launch and just want to have it in your hands? Let us know and discuss it all in the comments below. As with all things Final Fantasy XV we will have the updates here on the site for you. Keep you attentions right here so you don’t miss out on a single tidbit.

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