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Here’s Why They All Run In Mirror’s Edge Catalyst City Of Glass

Here’s Why They All Run In Mirror’s Edge Catalyst City Of Glass

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

A new Mirror’s Edge Catalyst trailer has been released and it gives us all a look at why the runners run in the world of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

This seems like a silly thing to only be hearing about for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst as we are so close to the launch of the game. June 7th isn’t that far off now and we are only now hearing about why they run in DICE‘s next addition to the franchise. Of course this is all in jest and based on the title of the launch trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst as we should all know the reason they run by now; at least if you have any interest in the game at all. There are just too many reasons.

Anyways, we have a new trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to look upon as we wait the two weeks until the game’s launch. It is filled with a few new bits of gameplay to gaze upon but really does nothing else but remind us that the game is still coming. I guess that is needed given all of the delays that have happened with it so far. It was originally slated for a February release the first time and now here it is in June. I’m not going to complain as the closed beta showed that all of the extra time and effort was put to good use.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst — Why We Run

If this doesn’t sate your want for more on the game then you are also in luck. At least further in luck as it turns out that there is also a nice little interactive map up and running for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst as you read this. You can head right over to mirrorsedge.com/map to see a virtual map of the game’s world and explore it to learn just a bit more of what is going on.

Granted it does have a few spoilers mixed in for those who want to stay completely pure on everything but it does expand the whole world just a bit more. Not only that but it does wonders to get you amped up for the game’s full release here soon. It is worth the time and effort as long as you don’t mind having the most basic of things spoiled a little bit early.

Are you ready for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to finally land on your system? Was this just the little reminder you needed that DICE still had the game coming? How deep down the rabbit hole are you going to go with the interactive map? Let us all know and discuss away in the comments below. As we get more on Mirror’s Edge Catalyst we will have the updates here for you. Be sure to keep your browser locked in here for all of that as it pours on out.

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