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Hey Look At That, The Xbox One Has A Release Date

Hey Look At That, The Xbox One Has A Release Date

Just as I pondered and hypothesized a little while back, looks like we are getting the Xbox One on November 22nd this year. Just in time to get the bulk of the day one consoles out the door and on eBay to prey on the parents of demanding kids during Black Friday sales. If memory serves this is what Nintendo and Sony did back in 2006. The only difference being that Sony flooded the market with PS3s right around the same time screwing a lot of those capitalists out of a big payoff. I knew quite a few people that fell plague to this and I was glad. But that is another story altogether.

This is about when to start prepping those outdoor lines for the people who didn’t pre-order or plan ahead. I know there are a plethora of people personally who will be doing this so if you are reading this, you can thank me for giving you a heads up on the dates you are going to have to take off to go camp out. Or pay someone to camp out for you. Or just when your pre-order will be hitting your door step so you can camp out for the UPS/FedEx people so you don’t get your system jacked. You’ve been warned.

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