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Hitman Is Heading To Marrakesh Just Before The End Of May

Hitman Is Heading To Marrakesh Just Before The End Of May


The release date for Hitman’s third episode as well as a lot of details on the hit have been revealed as Hitman is heading to Marrakesh now

It is coming in just under the wire but the third episode of Hitman is coming and coming up fast. It does seem like Io Interactive was pushing it out for as much time as possible but none the less the new episode lands on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on May 31st. Literally the last day that it could have and still keep the promise of new Hitman content every month from Square Enix right on par. Right up to the last minute but hey, we get to go killing in Marrakesh now. Score!

In this new episode we have another two new targets to go after. One is a private banker who has holed himself up in the Swedish Consulate and the other is a general who is surrounded by a group of elite soldiers. Nothing we haven’t been able to overcome just yet in Hitman here but I am certain we are all up to the task none the less. Especially given the extra level of detail that has been put into making Marrakesh more ‘lively’ than previous episodes as well as give us a nice sprawling network of tunnels to get lost in.

The Mission

As with any Hitman level, Marrakesh promises players the lure of voyeurism and the thrill of infiltration and it’s something we’ve been working hard on getting just right. Offering two targets, the “Gilded Cage” mission challenges players to eliminate private banker Claus Strandberg, holed up inside the secure Swedish Consulate, and army General Reza Zaydan, protected by his elite squad of soldiers at a temporary headquarters in the heart of the city. Both targets will be challenging to reach and both will of course have some entertaining special moments attached to them that will allow players to dole out some poetic justice.

In addition to all of this it looks like the speed at which we will be getting new ‘live’ content for Hitman is going to pick up now as there are promises of many more Elusive Targets and challenge packs to come along with this new episode. Of course there is a new Elusive Target showing up here soon already but after how the last one played out I am not too excited for those in general. But there is a whole new playground now and that is very exciting indeed.

Were you worried that we were not going to get a new Hitman episode this month given the lack of update so far? Do you think that Marrakesh will do just as the developers are hoping in terms of giving us all something truly new? Are you glad to hear that more live content is in the works to keep us loading the game back up on the regular? Let us know and discuss as you will in the comments below. For all things Hitman keep you browser locked in here. We’re going to keep bringing you everything we can on the game as it hits our eyes.

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