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Hitman’s Second Episode Is Almost Here & We Have A Bit Of A Briefing

Hitman’s Second Episode Is Almost Here & We Have A Bit Of A Briefing


The Next episode of Hitman lands in a few days and we have a new trailer as well as a basic description of the Hitman mission we will be undertaking

I hope you have perfected the first two missions/episodes of Hitman as the next one is just about to drop. April 26th is still the date that we will get to play Io Interactive‘s next addition into this game with episode two and things look to be a lot more lush and expansive than before. We were all promised huge locations for Hitman and the new on here looks to completely trump what we had to experience in the Show Stopper episode. Then again…looks can be deceiving.

Take the latest trailer for the second episode of Hitman we have here. It certainly does the job of making Sapienza look like it is going to take days to travel across but it also makes the game look like it plays a whole lot different. Almost like a stealth action game that has a very long and engrossing story surrounding it. I am almost certain this is just how the trailer is cut based on the story we’ve been able to experience so far in Hitman already. I’m not saying it is bad but this trailer definitely makes it seem like we have hours of story and not just a good 20 to 30 minutes.

Hitman — Episode Two: Sapienza

Your main target is Silvio Caruso, a brilliant bio-engineer reportedly working on a DNA-Specific virus able to infect anyone anywhere in the world.

I am sure there is more to it all here as to why we have to kill this bio-engineer than just being assigned to do so. Based on the trailer here though I would swear that this would be just the precursor to Resident Evil and it ending before it began than just another assignment in Hitman. It seems so enticing but I think we are seeing more than we are going to get here in the trailer. Not to say that is bad, unless you had no want to give the game a go and Square Enix has just suckered you in.

What are your thoughts on the next episode of Hitman here? Do you agree that the trailer here is a bit deceiving based on what we have already experienced in the game already? Do you think that this is truly how the game was meant to play out and the first two bits were Io Interactive getting us ready for this? Let us know what you are thinking down in the comments and discuss. For more on Hitman and all of the upcoming episodes be sure to stick around here. We will bring you all of the updates as we get them.

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