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Homefront: The Revolution Lives On & We Have More Gameplay

Homefront: The Revolution Lives On & We Have More Gameplay

Homefront: The Revolution

At Gamescom 2015 Homefront: The Revolution made its first major showing since E3 2014 and it looks like Homefront is in the right hands still

The last major update we had for Homefront: The Revolution was that it was being delayed until spring of 2016 and that was after almost a whole year of silence while it was being developed on. This could have been because the developer changed over to Dambuster Studios in the madness going on around Homefront at the time but still that was the last we heard. I though it a good thing but many others thought that it spelled out that Deep Silver may have been canceling Homefront: The Revolution and it would never see our PS4, Xbox One, or PC at all. That of course being until Gamescom here as now we have more to go one with.

Homefront: The Revolution was first shown in a short clip of gameplay during the Microsoft press event but it was quickly given an official trailer by Deep Silver so those who were not in attendance could get a feel for where Homefront: The Revolution has evolved to. Sadly though the official trailer is all CGI with no gameplay mixed in just to give us all a feel for why this game will never be released in Korea. They are the ruthless villains in Homefront: The Revolution just like in the most recent version of Red Dawn. I just hope we don’t get a fiasco like we did with The Interview out of all of this so we can all have fun with Homefront: The Revolution.

As promised here is the CGI trailer for Homefront that shows off nothing much more than a theme for the game. Have fun and enjoy it. The KPA demands it and you can’t let the overlords down.

Homefront: The Revolution — Thank You

Alright. Now you’ve seen the propaganda but lucky for you I’ve managed to smuggle out some actual gameplay for Homefront: The Revolution to reward you and get you ready for the game. Dambuster Studios worked real hard on it and we wouldn’t want to not be seen now would we? Of course not. Just don’t let the bean counters and overlords know you are getting to see Homefront: The Revolution in action. They wouldn’t want you to know how the open-world mission still of the game looks and feels. This is why we’ve had to bootleg it and sneak it out past Deep Silver. I think they’ve been compromised so keep the Homefront: The Revolution gameplay on the DL.

Homefront: The Revolution — Gameplay Demo

Doesn’t Homefront: The Revolution look leaps and bounds better than it did back when we all first saw it? How do you think the open-world style is going to work out in the game? Do you think that Dambuster Studios is going to get death threats from Korea for this game? Let us know down in the comments and discuss. Homefront: The Revolution isn’t slated to be out until sometime before June next year so hopefully we will get a bunch of updates and news from Deep Silver for the game. If and when we do you can be certain we will have them here just for you so stick around as you won’t want to miss out. Also we are a KPA free zone; so there is that bonus as well.

Homefront: The Revolution

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