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Homefront: The Revolution’s Release Date Might Have Been Leaked

Homefront: The Revolution’s Release Date Might Have Been Leaked

Homefront: The Revolution

A new pre-order card for Homefront: The Revolution found in Target might have just given us a look at when Homefront: The Revolution may be releasing this year

It has yet to be completely confirmed but we may have a release date for Homefront: The Revolution. At least if the pre-order card for the game at Target is correct and Dambuster Studios is about to wrap up their development cycle on the game. As it looks the release date for Homefront: The Revolution could be May 17th of this year for the at least the Xbox One but if true I think it would be safe to assume that it would be the same for the PS4 and PC versions of Homefront: The Revolution. It would make sense.

Of course all of this comes from a pre-order card for Homefront: The Revolution and not from Deep Silver so this could be a placeholder date or a date that could be easily changed. Pretty much until they dictate the true date to us all we should take this with a bit of salt. I’ve seen many pre-order cards out there with incorrect dates as they were printed and then things change. At least we can hope that Homefront: The Revolution will be out this mid-May. It has been quite a wait to get this game hasn’t it?

There would be little merit to this release date rumor for Homefront: The Revolution without any proof. If you look a bit below you can see the image that sparked all of this speculation and possible “outing” of the release date taken right from the store. It doesn’t look doctored at all so that does lend to it being a physical pre-order card for Homefront: The Revolution but like I said, the date could easily change on us. It is a Tuesday though, so who knows besides Dambuster Studios?

Homefront: The Revolution — Release Date

Homefront: The Revolution — Release Date

Do you think that this will be the solid release date for Homefront: The Revolution? Do you think like I do and that this could just be a placeholder so stores can start taking pre-orders for the game? How long until Deep Silver gets in front of this and gives us all a true release date for Homefront: The Revolution? Let us know what you think down in the comments and discuss away. Once we get something confirmed or more information on Homefront: The Revolution we will have it up on the site for you. Be sure to check in often to get all of those updates.

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