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Horizon Forbidden West Will Be Having Us Go Even Further West Soon

Horizon Forbidden West Will Be Having Us Go Even Further West Soon

Horizon Forbidden West

A new expansion for Horizon Forbidden West is on the way to take us further West in the world of Horizon than we have been before

The story is not done for Horizon Forbidden West with a new expansion announced and coming to the game on April 19th of 2023. That is as long as you have the PS5 version of the game since Guerrilla Games does not have the PS4 version listed here for it all. A weird choice to go with, but with many other games on the next-gen doing the same, it makes sense for Horizon Forbidden West to follow suit. There is that free upgrade from the last-gen to the next-gen already there so we would only need to have the hardware to be able to enjoy it all. I digress from it all right now, though.

In this new expansion for Horizon Forbidden West, called Burning Shores, we get to head out West again into a new section of the untamed wilds with Aloy and most likely crew. It is not the furthest West we have been able to go but it will take us all to Los Angeles and Hollywood for those looking to have a new experience. A new area that has a vast number of new machines and volcanoes causing all of the burning in the title. This seems like an area we should have seen already in the main game of Horizon Forbidden West, but the geography is always a little off to give us the biomes and fun instead of being fully realistic. There is no way a trip from Las Vegas to San Francisco would only take five minutes on a horse-like machine after all.

Horizon Forbidden West — Burning Shores

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores sees Aloy pursue a sinister threat in the untamed wilds of Los Angeles, now a treacherous volcanic archipelago.

Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores is coming to PS5 on 19 April 2023.

Did you ever expect to see more for the Horizon world or did you think it was going to be a few VR experiences and nothing else? How vast will Los Angeles be and will it be anywhere new as massive as its real-life counterpart? Would you want to have a real one-to-one scale for the exploration or are you willing to suspend disbelief for a better gaming experience? Sound off in the comments and then let the discussion fly out there. We will have much more for Horizon Forbidden West as they keep expanding it all. So be sure to keep a close eye on the site for all of that and everything else that we can find to share with you.

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