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Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity Gives Us Some Untold Chronicles From The Past

Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity Gives Us Some Untold Chronicles From The Past

Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity

New videos for Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity are out there to offer up more of the history we will experience in Hyrule Warriors soon

The excitement is setting in for Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity as November 20th gets closer and we will have this new experience over on the Switch. I have been excited for it and am glad to now be able to offer you all something new to look at for it all. All of which state to be telling us some of the stories, but are really just some solid new gameplay for Hyrule Warriors as we wait the extra month we have to wait now. You can take that as there is not much in the way of anything that could spoil the main story, that I can see, but great ready for some new visuals to help the excitement along. It will be one of the larger titles I am looking for this year given everything it is going up against at launch.

Below we have the first three videos in a series labeled at the “Untold Chronicles From 100 Years Past” for Hyrule Warriors. If we dig deeper into all of the visuals we have here and the limited dialog added in, I am sure we would be able to pull some kind of story out of all of this besides what we have in the video descriptions, but I know I will stick to the visuals more than that. I do not want to spoil a single moment of Hyrule Warriors for myself and you. That does not mean that you need to be left out of the fun and can see all of the videos we have just below so you can appreciate the next title in the franchise we are getting to hopefully keep it going forward and then fill in more gaps we may have from it all. Do enjoy.

Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity — Untold Chronicles From 100 Years Past — Part 1

Get a first look at a few of the allies critical to the fight against Calamity Ganon in Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity, including the Sheikah researchers Robbie and Purah, and the King of Hyrule himself!

Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity — Untold Chronicles From 100 Years Past — Part 2

Master Kohga and a loyal new ally lead the devious Yiga Clan against Hyrulean forces. It seems they have an ominous figure aiding them?

Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity — Untold Chronicles From 100 Years Past — Part 3

The Hyrule you know, a story you don’t — meet familiar faces, discover hidden surprises and use Sheikah powers in ways you’ve never seen before!

Were you able to snag more of the story for Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity here or did you just look at the pretty gameplay in silence? Do you think we will get a full 100 years of lore in the final version of the game? Will it change parts of the overall franchise in some way or will it only add to it all and leave us wanting more? Place your thoughts and comments down below. If I am able to find more for Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity out there, I will share it on the site as soon as I can. Please keep checking back for all of that and everything else we may have to offer up.

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