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In Due Time We Will Be Getting To Experience The Clockwork Revolution

In Due Time We Will Be Getting To Experience The Clockwork Revolution

Clockwork Revolution

New steampunk title Clockwork Revolution has been revealed and Clockwork Revolution looks quite a bit like another famed IP

We have had a whole lot of titles announced, revealed, and updated out the Summer Game Fest and various other events going on and now it is time to talk about Clockwork Revolution. This is the steampunk title that inXile Entertainment brought to the stage for the Xbox Showcase and it brought a lot of old feelings and new ones in many out there. One of the bigger ones is that we were going to be getting another steampunk shooter in the mix. At least whenever Clockwork Revolution lands on the Xbox Series X|S and PC. But after having another look at the trailer here, it does feel like some of the hype could be based more on nostalgia than anything else…

You can see the trailer for Clockwork Revolution below, but as it goes, this is a time-bending steampunk FPS with various RPG elements mixed in. It is coming from a solid developer and looks like it will have a solid world based on the technology of the setting announced. Not too shocking, but if one removes the title and developer from the video here, Clockwork Revolution starts to look and feel a lot like BioShock. Specifically, BioShock Infinite even if this does not look like it is taking place in the sky. We will let you have a look at the trailer now and then dig into what we are seeing and if the hype is truly earned as of yet.

Clockwork Revolution — Reveal

Clockwork Revolution is a time-bending steampunk first-person RPG from the creators of Wasteland and Arcanum. After stumbling across an incredible invention that allows you to travel into the past, you discover the city you call home—the vibrant steam-powered metropolis of Avalon—has been carefully crafted through the alteration of historical events. By traveling back to key moments, your interactions and choices will have a butterfly effect on the deep, narrative-driven world and characters of Avalon, causing them to change and react in unprecedented ways.

Clockwork Revolution is coming to Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Well, there we go. A steampunk FPS title that has us shooting all various things while random clockwork creations wander about. It feels very BioShock, sure, but I am not seeing any superpowers or any of the other things that feel like it would be at home in the other IP. There is the time-bending mechanic in there, but many other games use that too as a way to keep the story flowing while giving us gameplay reasons for it. Not to mention make the game fun. It is at the point where saying Clockwork Revolution is a clone is like saying any space western is a Star War title or any fantasy game is a LotR rip-off. Hells, we have seen the cell-shading used in other games and they get called a Borderlands rip-off.

In the end, sure Clockwork Revolution does look close to the other title mentioned, but until we get our hands on it, it is only cosmetic. Does it hurt the game if the team is giving us what we all desperately want? Not at all. As long as we go in expecting it to be its own thing with elements of other games we love. That’s how I would say take it. Unless…Clockwork Revolution is the sequel we have secretly been waiting for and this is testing the waters before it is announced that way… Now we are just talking gibberish. We will just keep excited for this game set in a similar setting as MANY other games and leave it be for now. Even if it is only going to hit the Xbox consoles and only those.

Are you hung up on the similarities of Clockwork Revolution to a different title or are you ignoring that for a cool NEW game coming? Do you think we are going to get some cool time powers in the game or will it all just be part of the narrative? Do you think there is a different way to show off a steampunk world without getting any comparisons to other IPs out there anymore? Head to the comment section and feel free to discuss it all as you so wish to do. More for Clockwork Revolution will be here on the site in due time, so please keep a close eye out for all of that as soon as we are able to share this news.

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