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In My Shadow Is Sneaking Its Way Onto The PlayStation Soon

In My Shadow Is Sneaking Its Way Onto The PlayStation Soon

In My Shadow

The PlayStation release for In My Shadow is coming up so more gamers out there can experience what In My Shadow has to offer

It may have taken a bit of time, but In My Shadow is finally on its way over to the PS4. It has hit the PC, Switch, and Xbox One over the past year or so, and now Playbae is able to give us this puzzle platformer on one more console on February 11th. Technically, it will be two more consoles with how the PS5 handles the games out there, but In My Shadow will only officially be on the PS4 and the rest will be through backward compatibility. Beggars cannot be choosers when it comes to getting titles like this. We need to just be glad it is finally making the leap over and then get ready to deal with it all.

You can get a little taste of what is to come for In My Shadow in the following trailer that shows off how it will look on the PS4. It is, more or less, your average platformer that will use the shadows in the world to help us all navigate around and solve the problems ahead. That is not a bad thing, but it does look like In My Shadow uses some of the traditional gameplay mechanics that work to help tell its story out there. That feels like the bigger aspect to focus on here. Now more gamers will have a chance to experience it all and see if it was all worth the wait up to now. There are only a few ways to find out about all of this now.

In My Shadow — PS4 Story Trailer

In My Shadow is coming soon for PlayStation!

Release date: February 11, 2022

Play with shadows in uniquely imaginative ways to solve brain-twisting platforming puzzles as you unfold the memories of a girl who struggles to confront herself in her past.

In My Shadow takes you on an emotional journey through the mind of Bella in pursuit of reconciliation with her past. The game features 4 rooms with a total of more than 50 puzzles to solve. Each room offers a different glimpse into her memories, exploring the changing relationships in her family. The shadows within each level must be manipulated via objects to progress and there is often more than one solution to a challenge.

In My Shadow is more than a cleverly designed puzzle-platformer; it is a heart-warming story into the mind of a young woman looking for answers to questions in her past. Her childhood memories come to life as shadows on the wall of her house, and you must use those shadows to solve unique puzzles and help Bella try to let go of her past.

Where There’s A Shadow, There’s A Way

The gameplay revolves around a unique core mechanic — the shadows. You can use the shadows however you like. There can be more than one solution to a puzzle.

Shadows Have No Boundaries

The game constantly challenges you with multi-dimensional mechanics that force you to invent new ways to use shadows.


  • Refreshingly clever puzzles that make use of shadows and shapes in ways you never thought were possible.
  • More than 50 levels spread across the walls of four rooms, each with its own set of distinct mechanics.
  • A heart-felt story about Bella’s mental apprehensions, narrated through her childhood memories.
  • Melodic music that flows seamlessly throughout the game to let you deeply absorb the emotion.
  • A beautifully colorful representation of Bella’s house that reflects the individual personalities of everyone in her family.

Have you been holding off on In My Shadow until it hit this platform or have you been playing it for a while now? Do you think it will get a solid next-gen update or will it stick to backward play only? Do you think there is more that can happen with these kinds of mechanics or will it just be all about the story going forward? Tell us all of your thoughts on this and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is anything more for In My Shadow, we will aim to share it here. Please keep checking back for all of that and much, much more.

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