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Injustice 2 Get Three More Fighters As The Second Fighter Pack Is Revealed

Injustice 2 Get Three More Fighters As The Second Fighter Pack Is Revealed

Injustice 2

Fighter pack two has been shown off for Injustice 2 and it looks like a few of the rumored Injustice 2 fighters are coming with a surprise

Here we go with the next set of fighters coming to Injustice 2 now as the Fighter Pack 2 DLC has just been announced during a stream going on for Gamescom. Not the most shocking of news as NetherRealm Studios did tease this a bit just for the convention here, but here we go with the three new fighters we can expect. More or less all of the speculation and guesses for who was coming to Injustice 2 were about right as two of the fighters announced had been guessed for quite some time. The third being one of the speculated fighters but never the strongest of contenders for the slot. Nonetheless, we are getting these three starting on September 12th now.

As you most likely have seen, we are getting Raiden, Black Manta, and Hellboy. Yes, Injustice 2 is getting Hellboy! I know I would have preferred a different Spawn from Hell, but I will take what I can get and then just hope that one of the other three to go will be said character. For now though, let us focus on the three new fighters and have a taste for them in the new trailer showing them all off. Have a look.

Injustice 2 — Fighter Pack 2

The second three DLC characters for Injustice 2 revealed! Super-villain Black Manta, Mortal Kombat‘s Raiden, and the half-demon Hellboy join the fight.

So, Black Manta looks to be another weapons heavy character for Injustice 2 but with his own brand of it all. Hellboy is, well, Hellboy as he did not do anything much to give away how he could play in the game. Then we have the second Mortal Kombat character to make the jump over here. This would be the one character I was hoping we were all wrong about as it looks like he is coming to Injustice 2 right from MKX in look and feel. That and he is taking up a slot that could have been filled by another DC character. I mean, if I wanted to play with Raiden I would just load up NetherRealm Studios‘ other title and have fun there. Not to mention that we already have a different “thunder god” in the mix already.

I will say that it is a good sign that we did get a cross-publisher character here in Injustice 2 with Hellboy though. It does show that they are able to get non-DC and non-MK characters in the mix and it could still leave the door open for Spawn to show up as one of the other two slots; I say this as it solidly looks like The Atom is one of the other characters in the mix. However, even if they stick to only Dark Horse characters this could open up The Mask, Tank Girl, The Goon, or even Marv from Sin City could end up on the list. Although there are still so many other options that could be. I just hope we are not seeing another MK fighter added in with the slot that looks like a ninja in general.

What are your thoughts on these new fighters for Injustice 2 that will be coming this September? Are you excited to see Hellboy in the mix or have you been let down as you were expecting another character? What do you think about the multiple MK fighters getting placed in and do you think they are a waste taking up slots that DC characters could have used? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. For more on these characters and more for Injustice 2 though, be sure to keep checking in here on the site as we will have all of those updates in due time.

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