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Injustice 2 Has More Premier Skins To Look At Before Launch

Injustice 2 Has More Premier Skins To Look At Before Launch

Injustice 2

More of the premier skins for Injustice 2 have been spotted out there in the world and we see more Injustice 2 characters shown off

Only a few more sleep cycles until we all get to dive into the console version of Injustice 2 and see what hasn’t been shown off to us just yet. We’ve been getting a lot of promises out of NetherRealm Studios that there is still a whole lot that we have not seen yet and this includes premier skins in the mix. These are the special skins in Injustice 2 that will completely alter the look and sound of one of the core characters into something completely new. We’ve seen this so far with Power Girl and Reverse Flash, but there have been promises of so many more. Now we have a look at some of them that have not been mentioned.

To note, premier skins for Injustice 2 are not new characters, but a skin that completely overwrites the look of a core character, like Power Girl for Super Girl, and also gives the character new dialog to fit the new look. They still retain all of the moves you currently have set for the parent character but just have a new look; and some of them can be drastic.

If you look below you can see the new premier skins in semi-action but what we have here in Injustice 2 is Power Girl, Reverse Flash, John Stewart, Jay Garrick, Mr. Freeze, Vixen, and Grid. Some are characters that I know a lot of players were hoping to see directly in the game, but it looks like NetherRealm Studios felt they mirrored some of the core cast too much to give them their own spotlight, or they worked well enough to be just a visual change with nothing else really being needed. Outside of Vixen here it makes pretty good sense as there is only so many things that a Lantern or a Flash can do to keep Injustice 2 balanced but give us a load of characters to play with.

Injustice 2 — Premier Skins

Premier Skins

  • Power Girl — Super Girl
  • Mr Freeze — Captain Cold
  • Vixen — Cheetah
  • Jay Garrick — Flash
  • John Stewart — Green Lantern
  • Grid — Cyborg
  • Reverse Flash — FLash

Also in the mix, and we will have a few more before launch, we have a breakdown of three more characters for Injustice 2 to look upon. None of them are unannounced characters or DLC characters in the wings, but they’ve only had the announcement so far and we haven’t had a chance to see them in full action until now. I am talking about the Joker, Brainiac, and Black Adam here for those who haven’t just skipped on down the road to the videos. As it looks, the returning characters haven’t been changed all too much and more or less we got to know Brainiac in his reveal trailers. Kind of odd to have the whole thing coming to a close and keep the final reveals not too impressive. Then again, maybe the good stuff is still hidden in the game.

Injustice 2 — The Joker Gameplay, Epic Gear And New Abilities

Injustice 2 — Black Adam Gameplay, Epic Gear And New Abilities

Injustice 2 — Brainiac Gameplay, Epic Gear And New Abilities

What are your thoughts in the premier skins that we have here for Injustice 2? Do you agree that they all make sense as the alternate characters are pretty much the same as the core or would you have rather seen characters like Vixen get a full slot here? Have you been able to find you “main” yet or are you still holding out for the full launch or DLC characters to make that choice? Let us know down in the comments and then discuss. As we learn more for Injustice 2, we will have it here. Be sure to keep checking in on the site to keep up to date on all of it.

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