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Here Is The Iron From Ice We Want For Game Of Thrones’ First Episode

Here Is The Iron From Ice We Want For Game Of Thrones’ First Episode

Game Of Thrones

Telltale Games has released the full trailer for Game Of Thrones — Iron From Ice to get us all ready for the episode’s launch tomorrow

The wait is now over and we have the first full length trailer for Game Of ThronesIron From Ice. This would be the first of six episodes for Telltale’s episodic game adaption for the insanely popular TV show/Book series. Although the game is stated to follow the show more than anything and this of course covers the characters and the actor portrayals on the show. I mean, they have one of my favorite little people carried over in voice and likeness for Game Of Thrones officially now and he is supposedly one of the characters that made a huge change from page to screen.

As if we didn’t expect that to take place for this iteration of the Game Of Thrones franchise though. Especially given that the actors involved have already been down for lending their voices to many other game titles in general in the past. We just now have it official and you can take a look and get excited for the first episode of Game Of Thrones to hit tomorrow.

Game Of Thrones — Launch Trailer

I am a huge fan of Game Of Thrones on HBO and have been overly excited to see the video game version have its shot at continuing the fun story of the realms. I also find it a bit interesting that Telltale is mixing up their formula even more that Tale From The Borderlands did and let you direct the lives of multiple members of house Forrester. I am just curious if the game here is going to be as graphic as the HBO show is or if we are going to be getting The Walking Dead treatment of implied things. You know what I’m talking about here as Telltale has not shied away from gore and violence before.

Since we all have to wait until at least tomorrow to get our hands on Game Of ThronesIron From Ice I think I will spin up South Park’s Black Friday rendition of Game Of Thrones to tide me over for now. Wiener wiener… Wiener wiener… Party wiener…

Game Of Thrones

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